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I watch was she mumbled to herself, her eyes holding an incredible amount of anger and frustration as they started to pour as she chewed on her lip.

I knew why she was so upset.

Desperately wanting to gently dry her tears, I frown when I see her wipe them away harshly with the back of her hand quickly going back to untying her skates.

Something about her caught attention immediately. Her smooth brown skin and her big doe eyes made her look so innocent. The sweat that coated the top of her forehead already showed you how hard she works.

The way she moved on the ice was passionate and pure she looked like she was in complete control of her body or at least she wanted to be. Anyone could tell she was a powerful skater even though she had a rough practice today. It just feels like something is missing from her. Like a piece of her is gone.

I figured she must have felt me staring as her head looks up at me and her brown eyes find my grey ones. her eyes widened in confusion as she quickly turned away.

How cute.

I smiled to myself.

Although I didn't get to day dream for much longer as my childhood best friend Theodore pats me on my shoulder. "what's got you all distracted" he teased wiggling his eyebrows with this stupid smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at him prepared for his teasing.

I stayed silent not giving him the satisfaction. "whatever... don't tell me" he puts his hands up around me. "but coach wants you on the ice...where everyone else is." he laughed.

That's when I look out on the ice noticing my coach looking at me with disappointment and my teammates waiting for me to get down.


I hop down off the bleachers with Theodore on my side laughing like a god damn hyena. But even as I step onto the ice my eyes couldn't help but wonder back to her as she melted into her big puffer coat.

I felt my nose start to numb from how cold it is as I walked out the divers seat to the back seat of my car opening the door. My little sister unbuckles her seat belt and jumps out running to the front door like the energetic six year old she is, leaving me behind as I throw my gym bag over my shoulder digging in my jacket pocket for my keys.

After opening out the door I help Nora take off her shoes, and head up to my room dropping my skate bag on the floor and took off my jacket hanging it up. I let out a sigh falling back on my bed closing my eyes starting to revision the way the girl moved on the ice.

I finally opened my eyes again looking up at the ceiling. Im exhausted, I had to run and pick Nora up after practice because mom forgot to get her from school leaving her there for 2 hours. We spent the rest of the day at the park after having McDonald's.

My phone started to ring talking me from my thoughts.

I looking down at the caller id seeing Theodore's name flashed across my phone screen.

"What do you want dipshit" I answer sitting up.

"Alex is having a party tonight" he announced " we should go."

"Sorry Theo, but you know I can't." I signed as I walked out of my room.

"It's okay, I understand." he uttered "It was worth a shot" he spoke before hanging up.

I stoped as I reached Nora's room opening the door seeing she's fast asleep with her long hair sticking to her face. She whimpers from the feeling of my moving the hair out of her face and behind her ear.

heading downstairs seeing my mom past out on the couch with a wine glass still in her hand. Nothing new, she's been like this ever since dad left her.

Slowly taking the glass out of her hand and set it on the coffee table taking the throw blanket covering her. When I'm done I turn off the tv and quietly run up the stairs back to my room.

Finally getting to relax after this shitty day I take of my clothes and hit the shower, when I'm done I brush my teeth and wash my face. I turn off my light and get into bed ready to let sleep come over me.

I don't know how long I had my eyes closed trying to go to sleep, but it wasn't working so I gave up and put some clothes on grabbed my gym bag and my jacket quietly jogging down the stairs putting on my shoes.

When I make it to my car I start it hoping it doesn't wake up Nora.
Omg that's all for chapter two!!

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