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Logan's pov

Our family was sitting at the top box. Watching down as jade sat on my lap, my arms wrapped around her stomach. Everyone was present except alexis and alec.

Alec feels this whole thing to be disgusting and I don't blame him. It can be gruesome.

Lucas was demolishing his fights. The bets on him kept on getting higher and higher.

"Is he really undefeatable" jade asked as she leaned closer to me, leaning her head on my chest,

"Yeah" my voice was low and deep.

She got up from my lap, "what happened?" I asked her,

"Who's that?" She asked looking down, I leaned closer towards the window and saw a little girl entering the ring.

She looks so small, reminds me of Alexis.

She's wearing a mask.

The guys started betting, obviously everyone betted against the little girl, her name was announced as Valerie.

I leaned towards jade as we both looked down.

"Valerie. She joined recently. She's new, I guess she dosent know about Lucas" Harry chuckled as he scrolled through his phone for information,

"Shouldn't we stop this? She might die" jade said, worried.

I shook my head and we continued to look down the window which was covered with a bulletproof glass."wait then, I'll bet against Lucas this round" jade spoke up as she turned around and inputted her amount in the small machine.

The bell rang and the crowd went silent.

As expected, Lucas quickly took control and started attacking her. His punches are very harmful. She kept her guard up and surprisingly, she wasn't hurt as much as I had expected her to be.

I watched as she gave him a punch. If it was thrown on a normal guy, he would have definitely fallen. But Lucas is different. Was she trying to buy some time?

Lucas charged towards her again, kicking her but she kept on dodging all his hits. The crowd and we were shook.

Lucas was attacking so quickly yet her dodges were quicker!

Lucas looked up a couple of times, we all knew why. Lucas was our fighter. We were the ones who had employed him, he was an assassin working under us. The other guys bring in their fighters to fight Lucas.

Valerie also looked at us and something made her guard go down as Lucas punched her. She shook her head probably trying to regain her composure.

He continued to punch and kick her while she just dodged. He was in control. She couldn't attack. She had no choice but to defend.

Lucas was getting frustrated, this was a new sight. Lucas only took out his knife twice before.

Jade walked closer to me, watching down. Worried for the girl.

She dodged him by grabbing his shoulder and doing like a cartwheel over his shoulder. Jade gasped and smile as she looked down at her excitedly.

But Lucas was definitely angry. He might kill her.

I saw her fixing her mask while dodging his kicks.

While this intense match, he let his guard down, looking up again at us. He was probably shocked and worried at this girl's strength.

If that little girl won, We would be humiliated.

She took this opportunity and pulled his head and smashed it onto her knees, taking his knife away from him. The crowd was dead silent. Everyone was shocked. So was I.

She kept on smashing his head across her knee, it was brutal. There was blood everywhere. I mean the scene was normal but the roles were usually reversed.

She turned him over as he laid in the ring. Everyone was silent. The only sounds were of her heavy breathing and lucas's angry pain grunting.

She chuckled. My eyes widened in shock.

"Fucking monster" Harry whispered in disgust as he stood beside me and looked down at her.

She suddenly stopped and stood still. Not moving as he struggled to get up,

"What is she doing?!" Jade exclaimed, "why won't she just kill him? He's weak right now"

But once Lucas was up, he charged himself onto her.

The arena was silent as he charged towards her again.

She dodged him.

"She's toying with him" I replied to jade in a whisper.

He's getting weak and slow. Everyone gasped as they saw him fall to his knees as she smashed his head across her knee once more.

He fell.

It was silent.

No one spoke a thing.

She took down the guy who never lost.

She shrugged as she turned around and looked at us.

I saw her scoff and trying to get out of the ring but Lucas got up. He walked towards her from behind and pulled her towards him. Throwing her down in the ring.

Jade turned around and walked away, she couldn't watch that little girl get toyed by him I guess.

I continued to look down, still standing near the window.

Matt walked towards us and stood beside Harry and dad stood beside me.

We all were looking down. Watching as the tables quickly took a turn.

Valerie was pretty bruised up and hurt, it was clear she was struggling but she pulled through and brought Lucas to his knees again.

"What's wrong with her" Harry spoke, disgust in his eyes as he looked at her.

She was going full maniac. Once she got the hang of it, she smashed his head against the floor of the ring and didn't stop until he stopped breathing.

The crowd was once against silent. Only sound heard was of the blood splattering around.

She threw the knife down.

He was dead. Lucas was dead.

The crowd went crazy as they started cheering and screaming 'Valerie'.

We all sat back in our seat, pretty shocked.

I remember how once Lucas almost threw me across the room, he was damn strong. And now this girl? We have to get her. We need to recruit her before the others do.

If the other guys hear that a little girl killed our champion. God, we are gonna get so humiliated.

I got up and started walking downstairs to the  crowd near the ring. I met Enzo there and he seemed to be close with Valerie. I followed them as they walked to the bathroom.

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