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I cover myself with the comforter and sleep in a fetal position, ignoring whatever Harry just said.

My eyes open up, everything's blurry, upon focusing on my surroundings, I realise that I woke up because of the constant noise coming from the door.

I quickly get up from that fluffy cloud ass bed and walked towards the door, I opened it while taking the door's cover incase it's someone who's here to kill me, I don't know.

I peak and see that it's Harry,

"Oh, hey" I mutter, I realise I have a very dry throat,

"What happened?" He asks worried with sweat on his face dripping down to his shoes,

"How long have u been standing here? Sorry I was asleep" I said while letting go of the door and standing face to face with him,

"Dosent matter, just go freshen up, we'll head downstairs for lunch" he replies, he's not asking me or anything, he's directly ordering me, I don't like it.

"Your not gonna take no for an answer are you?" I ask as a last hope,

"Nope, he's Charles, follow him downstairs" says Harry as he starts walking towards the elevator, I, confused, look towards Charles,

"Whatever" I mutter under my breath and head inside to wash my face,

I dry my face with a really soft towel but not as soft as that cloudy bed,

I then head outside with Charles, we head downstairs and he pulls a seat for me in front of Harry,

"Anything on your mind for lunch?" He asks,

"Not really" I reply in a low voice,

"What's your favourite food?" He asks trying to make me open up,

"Anything, nothing in particular. You can order" i reply back and I start to look around,

"Fine" he replies while being a bit fed up with me,  I look back at him and he calls for a waiter,

I dont know what he ordered so now I'm just bored,

After ordering, he turns to me and asks,"do you not have a phone?"

"Nope" i reply, i mean its not uncommon for teenagers to not have phone... Right?

"Alright" he mutters,

"Alexis, how was your life with micheal? Just curious" he asks,

Yeah like im gonna tell you the hell he put me through.

"Well he was like a normal father, he didnt want me to have a phone until i turned 18 and he didnt force me to eat like your doing" i reply, this is all cap except the last part,

He didnt even let me eat at home when he was awake.

He sighs, "i just want the best for you, dont think that im forcing you" he replies back,

Think? Dude you are forcing.

Ignoring him, I look around again, so many bodyguards but they are doing a very bad job trying to be disguised, like dude i know ur in the mafia.

Soon the waiters come and serves the food, It seems like harry ordered some pasta with alot of vegetables, I cant complain, i like vegetables.

I gulp as i lift up the fork, i look up at harry, he is staring at me, waiting for me to eat or just have the first bite.

I pierce the fork through the peice of a pasta and tomato, i lift it up and bring close to my mouth, I eat it slowly trying not to throw up or be suspicious.

He stares at me as i try to chew and swallow it slowly, we make eye contact and he immediately shakes his head off, he starts to eat his meal.

The Missing Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now