Chapter 188: Her Biological Parents From the Lee Family

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Jennie's performance was nothing short of breathtaking.

The smile on Krystal's face gradually disappeared.

Zhao Xiyue felt she had made the biggest mistake of her life and had inadvertently given Jennie the opportunity to impress the audience!

The same question kept running through their minds. When did Jennie learn the violin?

Krystal and Zhao Xiyue both knew that Jennie didn't have any talent. Ever since Jennie found out that she was swapped at birth, she was too depressed to focus on her studies before she proceeded to get obsessed with Kai. Why was she playing the violin so well now?

The stage lighting landed on her and brought out her silhouette.

"Hungarian Dance" was inspired by lively Hungarian folk music, so Jennie's outfit was perfect for the piece. In comparison, Krystal's complicated princess dress did not match the lively air of the song.

After she was done playing the violin, the crowd went silent for a few seconds before thunderous applause reverberated throughout the hall.

Jennie's fans finally cheered loudly and chanted her name.

Zhao Xiyue realized that her efforts to help Krystal had come back to bite her. She forcibly composed herself before she went onto the stage to wrap up the performance.

After she got off the stage with the microphone, she ran after Krystal. "Krystal, hang on."

Krystal was in a bad mood and didn't feel like entertaining her.

As they walked, they could hear people comparing Krystal and Jennie.

Tonight was the night for Krystal to steal the limelight. However, this little episode had caused Jennie to garner all the attention and made Krystal look bad.

Moments later, teachers came to talk to Zhao Xiyue about what she had just done. Jennie's homeroom teacher was very annoyed that one of her students was made to perform without prior notice.

From the looks of it, Zhao Xiyue had some explaining to do.

A dinner was planned after the performance.

Krystal wanted to find some excuse not to go. However, since she was in the limelight, everyone was waiting for her and it was impossible to turn them down.

Everyone smiled as they welcomed her when Krystal arrived at the dinner. Someone asked, "Krystal, where is Jennie? Didn't she come along with you?"

Krystal instantly looked embarrassed.


By the time Yao Jiahong left Ji Huan's office, it was already very late.

Although Zhao Xiyue claimed it was an innocent mistake, Yao Jiahong did not let her off the hook easily. He got so harsh that Zhao Xiyue burst out crying as she apologized incessantly.

The school did its best to mediate before Yao Jiahong was willing to let this slide.

After Yao Jiahong left the office, he thought about Jennie's violin playing and the Kim family.

Yao Jiahong already knew about Jennie's life in the Kim family, but he did not do anything about it as he felt she could never become an artist.

After Zhao Xiyue attempted to publicly embarrass Jennie, he could not help breathing hard as sadness swelled in his heart while he thought about this.


Jennie quickly left the school after class and headed to Lanting Residence.

The moment she entered the living room, Butler Chen saw her and came over. "Miss Kim, Young Master Manoban is in the closet. Also, he has been there for hours."

Butler Chen looked worried. He did not know what had come over Lisa, but he did not dare to probe.

"Uh huh. Okay." Jennie put down her school bag and walked over to the closet quickly.

Butler Chen watched from behind. He had to admit that Jennie played an important role in the Manoban family.

Lisa and Jennie now shared a closet. Even though it was called a closet, it was over 100 square meters in size and filled with both their clothing.

Lisa was standing in front of the mirror shaking his head with dissatisfaction.

There was a mountain of clothes beside Lisa that he had already tried on.

Even if he was wearing a gunny sack, he would have looked gorgeous. Now, he was wearing the latest designer suit that fit him perfectly.

The moment Jennie entered the room, she saw Lisa dressed in a suit that was perfect for him. However, he was frowning into the mirror.

"Hubby." Jennie strode over quickly and greeted him. "Aren't you done picking your outfit?"

"Uh huh." Lisa's voice sounded deep.

Every single garment he owned was custom-made. Since he worked out often, it was unlikely for his clothes not to fit.

Jennie knew where his worry was coming from. They were going to pick up her parents tonight.

The parents in question were naturally her biological parents from the Lee family. She had been dying to see them.

Since she was already very nervous about seeing them, Lisa naturally felt the same way.

Jennie felt the suit he was wearing was already perfect. She glanced around and picked a tie before putting it on Lisa as she said, "What about now?"

Lisa glanced into the mirror. He could see Jennie's eyes gleaming as she admired him in the mirror. He instantly felt good about his outfit and happily nodded. "I think it's good now."

Jennie shoved him out of the closet. "Wait for me outside. I need to get changed. We are running late."

Lisa was pushed out.

After Jennie closed the door, she picked out an outfit and got changed.

Lisa stood outside the door listening to the rustling as she got changed. The sound left a tingling sensation running through him.

He could open the door now effortlessly, but something was holding him back.

After struggling to control himself, Lisa suppressed this urge as he patiently waited outside for Jennie to get changed.

Moments later, Jennie came out dressed in a sweet, long dress and a ponytail looking just like an innocent student.

After she came out, she showed Lisa her outfit. "Do you think my parents will like this?"

"I'm sure they will," said Lisa firmly. Jennie was such a wonderful girl. How could they not like her?

The two of them went downstairs for dinner before going to the airport.

Butler Chen could not help feeling impressed when Jennie managed to make Lisa get changed and leave the closet.


Lisa patiently waited with Jennie at the airport parking lot.

Jennie clenched her fists tightly as she thought about her past life.

The Lee family used to be one of the most important families in the capital and the Kim family was completely out of their league. However, a major incident in the family over two decades ago almost caused the family to be completely ruined.

Although Lee Dong-wook managed to save the family, the clan fell into decline. It was the main reason Krystal ended up residing in a small town with Old Master Lee.

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