Chapter Sedici

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The weed I secretly hidden does its job as I sit in the cold night air as the sun goes down over the water. I left my door locked as to process the destruction I just caused but it never is easy to focus when high. A giggle slips out into the light wind as I think about what I've done. They will finally see Amelia as the little demon she is. Though no one can take the title of The Devil from him. I push the thought to the little lock boxes in my head.

Everyone thinks I'm a psycho and I'm mentally unstable. Even Justin and Asher think so though they have never said it, I know. Don't care though because all the best people are crazy and the others are boring as fuck. Everyone's a little crazy. Choose to believe it and embrace it while others treat it as an illness they don't have.

Justin and Asher are crazy though they don't show it often but when they do they are so intoxicating. Asher loses control picking up a gun and pulling the trigger while Justin gets a thrill from toturing people and watching the hope drain from their eyes when they realise they fucked up.

Weeds fun.

I should do this more often. My mind isn't racing a mile a minute and for once I'm not paranoid that someone is gonna get me. My thoughts are gone and I feel nothing but euphoric. Which is absolutely perfect. Bro imagine torturing people when you're high, oh my goodness that would be so fun. I should tell Justin and we can test it.

I need a shot.

I climb down from the roof and grab the bottle of vodka I had stashed under my bed before climbing back up. The roof is so high I feel like I'm on top of the world though I might just be on the floor soon if the wind continues at its speed. I wonder what it would be like to just fall. I wonder if I would be scared in mid fall or if I would welcome the feeling of flying. Would it be quick and painless or would it be slow and painful? Would I die on impact or on the fall down? Would I survive?

I ignore the feeling to try and take a swig of the now half empty bottle. I will not give him that satisfaction. I climb down steadily as I have always been able to hold my alcohol better than anyone.I change into workout clothes again as I head to the gym.

Thank God it's empty again because right now I don't think I can put on a brave confident face right now.I walk over to the punching bag and wrap my hands before starting drills taking out all my emotions on the bag or sand in front of me.I sweat out the alcohol and weed till my body is exhausted and even then I don't stop. Not even when my arms feel weaker and weaker. I don't stop till I'm pulled off the bag as my arms hold my hands to my body.

Tears stain my cheeks that I hadn't noticed falling as I hyperventilate turning and stuffing my face into the person's chest not bothering to look who they are. They whisper sweet things into my ears as they rock me back and forth. My sobs quiet down and I pull away from the person but they hold me back tighter stopping me from moving for a few more seconds as their grip loosens.

I pull back to see Alessandro's face staring at me softly. I pull away as quickly as I can and walk towards my water bottle, gulping half of it to avoid what he wants to talk about. He watches me as I turn my back to him but I still feel his gaze on me as he sighs.


I hold up my hand to stop him. I don't want to talk about this now. I unwrap and rewrap my hands before walking over to another punching bag but this time on further away from him. He lets out a frustrated sigh before turn and walking out leaving me to my thoughts and the sack of sand in front of me that I start to bash.

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