Chapter Quattordici

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"He Spoke?"

Everyone started screaming and I looked at Carlo apologetically, he just shrugged and the twins both ran to hug him then all of them joined in. Adrian looked at his sons proud before hugging them too. I walked to the sink and filled a glass with water. Adrian leaves the hug and his gaze goes to me but I don't look away. He clears his throat before speaking...

"Alissa, I need to speak with you please follow me into my office."

I nod and follow him as he leads me up 4 levels to a long hallway into an office that is clearly his as there are animal heads covering the wall behind the overly large chair that he probably feels as though it is a throne. He takes a seat in the chair and looks at me expectantly but I don't make a move to seat I stand, he clears his throat before speaking.

"Alissa I have rules that need to be set so nothing happens like last time."

I take that as my cue to leave because clearly he has a stick so far up his ass that it makes him blind and stupid. I go to make a move to walk out but his voice booms through the room as he tries to make his dominance known, I turn to look at him. He is now standing and his face is red with disgust written all over it. For an Ex Mafia boss he can't hide his emotions for shit, I stand taller showing him I wasn't an afraid little girl looking for daddy's love and approval, now I was someone who couldn't care less about the man in front of me.

"You will not disrespect me, if you want to stay here there will be rules that you must obey. I don't care who you think you are but you are in my house now and I will not be disrespected by a spoiled brat!"

I don't give him the pleasure of a reaction besides a loud scoff at his words. I go to say something when the door is open and the little princess storms in to stand next to her father glaring at me, I glare back and she turns towards Adrian.

"Daddy, she went into my room and trashed it! I knew we shouldn't have let her come back! I caught her in the act and when I confronted her she threatened me!"

Does this girl even hear herself? Adrian looks at me fuming and ready to unleash hell but I'm already there and I love it. Mia looked at me with a smug smile on her face at what she had done but when I smiled back at her the smile left her face quickly.

Adrian was already yelling at me and when he took a step towards me I grabbed out the gun I knew he had hidden under the chair next to me. I pointed it straight at him which made him freeze. All the yelling made all the boys come into the office and they all stared at me wide eyed. I didn't tear my gaze from the man in front of me.

" After everything, everything, you are going to believe her, are you really that blind?"

I speak angrily as tears threaten to spill and I let them, all of my brothers fall in line with Adrian and Mia they push her behind them to shield her as they stare at me, Carlo stands to the side not picking any side.

"You dare call me a spoiled brat but have to take a proper good look at the girl you call your daughter. God I am so stupid." I look towards Alesandro.

"You were never on my side, everything you said was a lie, fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me aye."

"Do you know how hard I worked to survive? I did everything, I killed, I lied but I never betrayed, not the way you have. You believe I have had a good life and that I'm a spoiled brat but if you take a proper look into the little boarding school you would know everything. I fought so hard for them to stop! I was a pet, an experiment, a killer. Whatever they wanted. Whatever they trained me to be."

The anger took over, the years of pent up anger that continued to build as I got older. Anger at this family standing in front of me anger at the boarding school.

They all just stood there, saying nothing but what can you say. I didn't tell them any of the details of what I went through, because they didn't deserve to know everything. I should have known that this would be the outcome.

I toss the gun onto the couch and walk out of the room leaving them all there. My walls rebuild themselves quickly blocking off my heart and this time all emotions. I feel nothing again. I walk up the stairs to the room and grab all my things before leaving to go to Justin and Ashers for the next few days.

Carlo stands outside of my door and when he sees my bag he looks sad, but he must know this is what I need since he hugs me and lets me leave, not before he whispers that he loves me and he will be waiting for me to get back. I couldn't say anything back because I couldn't promise that I would be back.

I walk out and drive straight to the house and as the Asher answers the door the last thing I know is Asher hugging me before everything going black.

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