Chapter Twenty-Four

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I swung a fist at Emmet and he blocked it. I followed up with a kick and it stuck. My leg was starting to feel better and now that I was back in the gym a week after my big rescue, I was starting to feel normal again. I was back to light training, Mitchel watching always, and I slowly was heading back to classes. I had dinner with Fremont every evening and I made love to Mitchel every night. I felt good. I felt normal. Nathan was quiet. Abrodon was even quieter. But I wasn't dumb, I knew they were out there waiting. Planning their next moves whether they were in on the same plan or not. I was expecting anything. And I was waiting anxiously to see what was going to happen. It was going to be big. Monumental. We were all counting on that.

"Nice." Mitchel said as I put weight on my left leg and swung my right to connect with Emmet's head. "We'll call it for the day."

Emmet pulled me into a hug and squeezed before he headed towards the weight room.

I dropped to the mat and began stretching out my leg. I wanted to keep it loose. Mitchel crossed the mats and sat down across from me, reaching for my leg and helping me stretch it. I winced a little as he put pressure on it.

"How's it feeling?" He asked.

"Getting better."

"Good. Not eating while you were..." His eyes met mine. "Gone. Probably didn't help the healing."

"I know." I said. "I was pretty weak."

"It was a good thing you didn't though. They all are loose cannons and they're crazy." He bent my leg back a different way and I winced a little causing me to reach for his hand out of reaction to try and stop him. He still stretched it out, regardless of my natural protest, and reached forward to squeeze the hand that went for him.

"Silas," I said as he adjusted my leg again, "it's not very romantic right now, but... I wanted you to know... I love you."

He lifted his eyes to meet mine. "Right where we had our first kiss? I think that's pretty romantic."

I glanced around realizing he was right. "I hadn't realized."

He released my leg and lifted his knees to rest his arms on them as he stared at me. "I've never been good with my emotions." He said. "It took me a long time to even know what love is and I've never said it to another person."

I watched him.

"But I do know that I was terrified when I couldn't find you at the resort. I was terrified when you were injured from the vampire attack. I was nervous and scared when we went to find you. I worry about you constantly. I miss you when you're gone. I'm happy when you're near." He whispered. "I want to feel these things for the rest of my life... with you."

I dropped my eyes to my hands, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"I do love you." He said quietly. "I want to keep loving you."

"You're so into me." I smirked.

Mitchel rolled his eyes with a smile. "Soooo into you." He agreed as I laughed.

"Chief," his walkie crackled from his hip and we both paused, "a man is asking for you at the gate."

Mitchel's eyes never left mine as he lifted the walkie to his lips. "What man?"

"I think... Uh... I think you should probably see this one for yourself."

Mitchel frowned at the walkie.

"Better bring Grayson too."

Immediately, my hands began to shake.

"Doesn't happen to be a man with a blonde updo, does it?" Mitchel asked.


"Then we're en route." He said as he stood, reaching a hand down to help me up.

I slid my hand into his and let him yank me to my feet. He glanced around the gym finding no one lingering and kissed me briefly. His hand slid along my body to my butt and he let it linger as he placed his forehead against mine. He watched me for a moment, placed a second kiss on my lips, and then slid around me to head for the door. I followed after him, my head down as we walked.

I was silent as the cool spring air slid along my skin and we left the gym. I lifted my hand to examine the black line along my arm that still hadn't faded at all. I pulled my sleeve down and over my hand. When I glanced at Mitchel, he gave me a small reassuring smile. His eyes dropped to my arm and ventured back up.

"Chief," a member of The Chosen nodded at Mitchel as we passed through the courtyard.

Mitchel reached out and shook his hand. "Jesse." He said in acknowledgment.

"I surveyed the situation and didn't find it to be of concern. However," he paused as he glanced between us, "it's quite alarming to say the least. And he asked to speak to you both and I agreed that you both probably would like to speak with him."

"Me though?" I asked.

He nodded. "He said to tell you, "you called for help and I'm just answering". He said you would know what that meant."

I thought about his words, searching my mind for an answer. I wracked my brain, but was coming up empty. I glanced up at Mitchel and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes grew wide at the realization.

"No..." I paused. "It can't be..." I hurried around Jesse for the gate.

"Wren?" Mitchel said as he followed at a slower pace.

I sprinted toward the gate and stopped just halfway. The man waiting with The Chosen had his head down and his hands in the pockets of his jeans. His back was to me so I couldn't see his face, but I didn't need to. I knew who it was. I would know him anywhere.

I choked on the word as it fell off my lips. "Dad?"

The man's shoulders lifted and he straightened up.

"Wren," Mitchel whispered sadly behind me as he lifted a hand to my arm.

The man turned, his eyes on me instantly and he gave me a very sad smile. "Hi, Wrenny."

An audible sob left me as I put a hand to my chest, the tears sliding from my eyes. "Dad?" Mitchel's hand fell away as I sprinted for him.

Dad lifted me off the ground and into his arms. "Oh, my sweet Wren."

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