Chapter Thirteen

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"I have everyone's room assignments!" Dr. Harden held up a manila envelope and everyone turned to her. "Faculty, your keycards are at the front desk. Remember, this looks like a vacation and in a lot of aspects it will feel like one, but we are still going to learn and we are still going to train!" She said as the crowd groaned.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall beside the front desk.

"The resort has some office spaces and conference rooms that they are letting us use for classes and lessons. The classes will be smaller and fewer than what your normal day might look like. I'm in room three-hundred and twenty for anyone that needs to talk! I know we've been through a lot and I am here for everyone."

"I might wanna visit her." Emmet said as he leaned against the wall beside me. "She might have some advice on how to get you to finally love me back."

I rolled my eyes. "No one has advice for that."

"Hi," the woman behind the desk beamed at Mitchel, "your name?"

"Silas Mitchel."

She blushed a little as she clicked at her computer and brought up his room information. "Chief Mitchel," she smiled, sliding a keycard through the machine, "you should check out our brunch while you're here."

He didn't lift his eyes from the pamphlet in his hands. "Is Vaughn doing the cooking?" He asked with raised brows. "I've known the man my whole life and I know better than to eat anything he's cooked."

She giggled. "He's not in charge of the cooking."

"Well, there is a God after all."

"It's hard to believe you and Vaughn are the same age." She said as she waited for his card in the machine.

"I aged better." He lifted his eyes to meet hers.

She blushed and slid the card across the desk. "There you are, Chief Mitchel."

"Thank you." He said as he collected his card and the pamphlet.

"You know," she leaned forward, giving him a good view of her boobs, "I'm off at five if you need someone to show you around the resort."

He tucked the key into his pocket and gave her a polite smile. She deflated a little watching as he pushed away from the counter. I raised my eyebrows at him as he moved past me. He lifted the pamphlet up and lightly smacked the top of my head with it as he went by. I glanced over at the girl and her eyes were on me a moment before they moved to watch him go.

Mitchel walked across the room and hugged a man standing there with his hands folded over one another in front of him. He was only slightly shorter than Mitchel with buzzed dark hair and a scar through his left eyebrow. Vaughn Chase was Mitchel's best friend. They'd grown up together- close like brothers under the watchful eye of Briarwood. They both learned under my Dad and trained together with nothing but a great future ahead of them. They served as Dragons together until Vaughn was injured greatly and on the brink of death and he was discharged from the Tribe. After his discharge, he opened Chase Ridge.

The resort was only made for members of The Chosen and other members of our reality. Virtually the only safe place for members of our world to gather and vacation without having to worry about vampires or having to be on their toes at all times. The only safer place than Chase Ridge was Briarwood. After the attack, it made Chase Ridge the safest place in the world to be.

Mitchel pulled away, a hand on Vaughn's shoulder as they smiled at one another and engaged in the typical pleasantries.

"Girls, I, of course, managed to room you guys together." Dr. Harden smiled as she handed Raven our room keys.

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