ballad, part 2.

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Sanique pulls into a long near-empty driveway. Her heart dropped when Quinn called her— she was sobbing quietly in the bathroom, urging her to come over. She said Finn revealed her pregnancy to her parents without her knowing beforehand, and her father had given her half an hour to get out.

Before her is a large, classic-style home built out of red brick. The window frames are a dark brown, and the windows themselves have elegant red curtains drawn over them. Despite the house making it seem like it's empty, the front door is wide open, Sanique assuming her parents most likely stormed out.

From what she can see, the ground floor is empty, and she takes that as her cue to enter without being seen. The staircase is directly in front of the doorway so she ascends to the second floor. She follows the sound of panicked chatter and sniffling to a room down the hallway, where she spots Quinn shoving clothes into a suitcase on her bed with Finn standing helplessly next to her.

"Hey." She greets simply, catching the couple's attention. The two turn to her with relieved expressions.

"You came." says a tearful Quinn, rushing over to her and wrapping her arms around her in a tight hug.

"Of course." Sanique tells her, looking over the blonde's shoulder at the very poorly packed suitcase. She slowly breaks away from the hug, despite Quinn's silent protests to pull her back.

She looks around her friend's room, to find it was everything she expected it to be. Pastel purple walls, a queen size bed decorated with old fashioned flowery sheets and grey satin pillows, and a sun nook to the left of it.

She walks over to the blonde's disheveled suitcase, beginning to take the lazily put together clothes out of it and folding them neatly, "Finn, help me with this. Quinn, please go sit down."

"I don't want him touching my underwear." Quinn murmurs to her disapprovingly.

"He won't. I'll handle it." Sanique softly assures her. Quinn reluctantly walks to her sun nook as the brunette begins making sections for each type of clothing. To her right, Finn is folding maternity clothes to his best efforts. It's nowhere near perfect, but much better than it was 30 seconds ago.

"I messed up." He whispers.

"You fold pretty well actually." She counters obliviously.

"No, with Quinn's parents."

"Oh," Sanique realizes, "Don't kick yourself too much. They were going to find out one way or another."

Even though singing You're Having My Baby to tell someone's parents that they're having her baby is not how she would do it, the last thing Quinn needed was for her boyfriend to be too busy drowning in regret to help her.

If Sanique couldn't be the one by her side throughout her pregnancy, she could at least point Finn in the right direction.

"What if my mom doesn't want her? What if we have to sleep in the subway station?" The tall boy whisper-yells in a panicked manner.

"Finn, you're not in The Pursuit of Happyness. I doubt your mom would turn away a pregnant 15-year old," She speaks honestly, "And if by some reverse-miracle she doesn't, my door is always open."

"Yeah.. yeah, you're right. I— we can do this." Finn concludes, her reassurance sparking up hope in him.

"Yes, we can." She says as they finish packing the last batch of clothes. She holds her hand out for a fist bump, which he returns badly, nearly missing.

The three teenagers find themselves standing in the Fabray household's driveway, trying to figure out what happens next. Due to the changing seasons, it's already dark and freezing at 7:30, making goosebumps appear on Sanique's exposed skin.

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