Chapter 12 Unrequited Love?

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Chapter 12 Unrequited Love?

"So, we are indeed looking at a legendary seal." Professor Bing Feng confirmed, his voice filled with awe. An electric current of excitement passed between them as they acknowledged the extraordinary nature of their discovery. 

"Let's review Tang Yun's data afterward," he suggested, his gaze filled with undeniable admiration for her beauty as he suggested delving deeper into the new revelation first.

What felt like waltzing side by side down the hall, Professor Bing Feng observed her closely, searching for any signs of doubt. Despite the proximity of their bodies, he could hear the gentle rhythm of her breath, warm like a summer breeze. Their eyes met, and in that moment, her coy smile conveyed a profound sense of trust. Their hearts seemed to beat in perfect harmony.

As they pushed open the door adjacent to Tang Yun's room and entered, an unsettling sensation washed over them right away. The cramped confines of the four walls seemed to press in on them, imbuing the room with an eerie atmosphere that felt disconnected from reality, as if they had stepped into another realm altogether.

A blinding and intense light emanated from the room's centre, they found themselves squinting and blinking, struggling to adjust their vision to the sudden brightness. In addition to the overwhelming luminosity, a bitter metallic taste filled their mouths, adding to their disorientation in the surreal environment.

The strange eerie light shone from the centre, grabbing their attention and leading their eyes to a mysterious, box-shaped object that appeared to fade in and out of view.  Its surface was adorned with mythical runes, intricately etched and encrusted for all to see. 

The object stood out boldly amidst its ordinary surroundings. Golden dials protruded from a blue, glass-like surface, adding to its mysterious aura and would leave most people seeing this puzzled by its presence.

With meticulous precision, Professor Bing Feng positioned himself in front of the mysterious contraption, his gestures deliberate and flawless. With a thoughtful expression, he reached up and touched his temple, imitating the same action on Quyang Peijiu's temple. The moment his touch made contact she felt a spark of electricity pass between them.

Hesitating for a moment, he finally placed his finger on the ancient device, feeling the smooth, weathered surface beneath his touch. 

"Buuuuuuzzzz...."  As his touch made contact, a low buzzing noise filled the room that was once suffocatingly small, creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

Their attention was drawn to the clear glass panel of the device, which immediately illuminated with a flurry of letters and numbers. The countdown begun, each passing moment adding to the sense of intrigue that permeated the room.

"Buuuzz!.. Buuzz!..Buzz"

As their bodies synchronised with the machine, a sharp and pungent metallic odour permeated the air, overwhelming their senses. They had transitioned to a confined realm, an identical replica of their world that spanned a mere radius of twenty meters. This pocket dimension seamlessly overlaid itself onto the original reality, creating an uncanny and surreal experience.


They shifted to the new pocket realm but remained within the familiar confines of the Healing Cottage. Though surroundings stayed recognizable, they understood they now existed in a separate reality accessed solely through the mysterious machine.

Quyang Peijiu initially felt shocked when she stumbled upon the Heaven and Earth Restoration Society's most significant secret three months ago. Now, as the professor's gaze fell upon his newest disciple, a surge of excitement coloured her cheeks. "Perhaps one day, you'll enter here without a hint of fluster," he teased, a playful sparkle dancing in his eyes.

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