Chapter 3 Cursed by the Gods

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Chapter 3 Cursed by the Gods

Tang Yun's ragged astral soul slipped into a hidden void nestled between his nasal area and the bridge of his nose. With his sanity intact, barely holding onto life. Still, he persisted, seeking refuge within his mother's sanctuary, the gifted Spiritual Sea.

The sudden immersion left him momentarily stunned, a rush of illusory air escaping his parted lips. Tang Yun's eyes remained transfixed upon his spiritual sea, where an extraordinary sight unfolded before him. Far from ordinary, it revealed a breathtaking vista that held him in awe.

Where undulating waves of spiritual energy resembled a boundless sea. With currents of mystical shen flowing and swirling, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of shimmering light and colours. Tang Yun's astral fingers delicately cupped a handful of the warm, silky energy, feeling it slip through his ethereal grasp. The sound of the spiritual energy dripping from his arms resonated softly, creating a melodic symphony as each droplet fell into the ethereal waters.

Toes digging into the pleasant, almost soothing, luminescent sand. Standing on the shore of endless, ever-glowing beach Tang Yun's astral legs felt grounded in this surreal realm. The gentle breeze swept across the beach, lifting grains of sparkling sand and causing them to dance and whirl in an ethereal ballet. His gaze drifted upward, drawn to the serene expanse of the midnight sky painted in deep hues of velvety indigo. The sky extended endlessly towards the horizon, like a vast canvas its magistery unrivalled.

Tang Yun marvelled at the unexpected vastness, an ocean-like expanse with rolling waves of mystical spirit power that seemed to stretch for days. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief, finding it bewildering that this majestic realm was a world of its own. Such revelations filled him with wonder and amazement.

"I inherited this? So vast and powerful, a veritable world of willpower, regrettably, the last visage and tribute of my long-gone mother. Her gift of love to a cherished son, a stolen life, exchanged for her deathbed red packet." His ethereal eyes watered, with a blend of emotions, their ghostly presence stretching across his bloated face. Was it the weight of loss or guilt that had gnawed at him all these years?

From the moment he was born, the remnants of his mother's mind reverberated in every droplet of shen here, extending endlessly towards the horizon. Tang Yun could still sense her love and care in every facet of existence. Even in the gentle caress of the ethereal wind against his cheeks, as if her hand was wiping away the tears from his bloated astral face. However, this love weighed heavily upon him, burdening him so much that it twisted his stomach into knots. His heart tightened, and with it came the urge to swallow, yet the lump in his throat felt achingly real. Even in his astral form, he could not escape the overwhelming sense of loss and regret for his failures and the shame it brought upon his father.

With eyes downcast, Tang Yun's astral body shook, unsettled as soon as he entered this world. He nodded to himself, knowing that avoiding this place was a habit, driven by self-preservation, yet do I have a choice? His head shook in dismay as he starred at his trembling ethereal fingers. It was just too difficult to accept and way too high a price for his mother's extraordinary gift. This immense spiritual sea was a place of foreboding he felt it in his core the pain reverberated deep inside him. It had always been easy to avoid, pushing it to the back of his mind like it never existed.

Tang Yun's eyes fixated on the enchanting realm before him, their gaze a swirling mixture of excitement and regret. In this magical place, his conflicting emotions were magnified, serving as a constant reminder of his past. The weight of his crimes bore down upon him—the act of unwittingly causing his mother's death at his birth. His father's shattered heart, and his forced entry into the Silver Circle Sect Orphanage. The truth was undeniable, and it pierced his soul.

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