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As agreed, a chapter on the completion of the vote goal :))

The goal for next update is: 28 votes.

"I'm ready to fulfil your condition,” He spoke after a while. Amal's eyes widened in shock, a wave of dopamine rushed though her blood but not for long. “but, only after three months,” He completed his sentence.Amal sighed gratefully, at least there wasn't a big condition. She has lived in this house for a month as a stranger and she can definitely live in another few months.

‘But, why exactly three months?’Amal thought to herself.

“You don't have to live in this house, you can go back to your home.” Khizr added, giving Amal another wave of shock.This felt too good to be true  to Amal, she was starting to doubt his intentions. Was this another way for him to play her?

“What?” Amal questioned in shock, thinking she heard wrong, staring at Khizr.He saw the shock on her face, so he nodded to assure her she had heard right. “I don't believe you!” Amal expressed with a frown, still trying to process everything.

“Don't believe me then, I'm not forcing you to believe me. But if you want to stay with me -in this very house- then you can, but what if I start growing a liking towards you? I won't let you go then.”Khizr smirdked, adding to Amal's shock as she lowered her gaze.Though she was scared to go to her house because she feared her dad's reaction, his words made it seem like going back was better than staying here.

’Was he even hearing himself? He was literally telling me how much he hated me some time ago’ Amal thought to herself.

“Not after three months, not ever.” Khizr continued, his voice filled with determination and desire this time. His statements rushed a flow of blood to her cheeks, she had turned red but not because she liked his statements but rather because she hated it! It ignited a specific hate for Khizr; she was disgusted by the mere idea of him.

Khizr's words scared her like no other, she feared fof hef freedom.But also gave her motivation to leave as soon as possible. She was ready to face any difficulty, as long as she was away from him.

“The rest is upto you to choose.” He spoke slowly, letting her time to think about her options.”But I must say,  I would be more than happy if you choose to stay.” He smirked, creepy enough to scare send a shiver of fear down her spine.

“No” She denied, making Khizr break into a chuckle. He was mocking her fear, he enjoyed every single moment she trembled in fear. Amal can not imagine ehat a life she'd live if she were to stay married to him.

“You broke my heart, wife. But, anyways enjoy your last days with your father.” He got up from the chair and went back to his chair, opposite the table, and indulged himself in his work once again.

Amal was confused at his statement, still trying to process his words. What was he planning? Her lips quivered in fear of the safety of her family.

“What do you mean?” She asked with her lips trembling and her body visibly shaking in fear as pessimism engulfed her thoughts.

“You'll find out soon, my love.” He said, not sparing her a glance. “I have no spare time to waste on you, dear wife. So do me a favour, and leave? ”He spoke again after a few minutes as he looked up at her, slightly raising his eyebrows to question her.

It's been hours since Amal left Khizr's study, she wasl sat on the bed, still trying to process their meeting. She was unable to understand his hatred for her family, especially her father. She feared the safety of her father and brother, would it make it any better if she stayed here?

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