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In no time her abaya was ripped, on the floor leaving her in her undershirt and the loose trouser combination she usually wears under her abaya. Amal felt so exposed in the tight undershirt, she felt humiliated. She sat on the ground and pulled her knees closer to her chest to stop being so exposed in front of him. Amal was sobbing excessively but it clearly did not trigger any sympathy or guilt in Khizr's heart. Amal felt him walk away, confused about his next steps. What was he going to do to her? Pessimistic thoughts followed her.

Amal felt the cold November night wind brush her barely clothed body, sending a cold shiver down her spine.She figured out he opened the windows as she felt cold wind surround her and being barely clothed did not help her. She gasped aggressively when she felt her body get showered in cold water.She gazed up at the end of the shower to see Khizr emptying a jug in her, she was shivering at the cold temperature.

Khizr sat in front of her as he stared at her face, her cheeks red in cold, trembling lips and a shivering body. He smirked seeing her state, as he offered “I would've bed you, had you not been related to Farooq. But, my men are still available. If you have some shame and fear for your future, die.”

“I didn't know you were this useless in front of Farooq Shah, that its been 2 days since his daughter went missing but he couldn't care less.” Khizr mocked her as he tied her hand together to the bed leg and her feet to the other bed leg. “Who's his favourite child, hm?” Khizr asked, but Amal knew better than to respond. She wasn't going to intentionally put her brother in front of this man, she didn't know what he would do to him.

“You're not going to tell me?” Khizr questioned with a smirk when he tightened the knot on her hands.Amal was shivering excessively, too much to answer him anyways. She saw him get his phone out, it looked like he was taking a photo of her.

“S, Stop” Amal tried to stop him as she tried to pull herself close to her knee and hug herself tightly to not get exposed to much but to no avail because of her legs and hands being tied to opposite sides of the bed.She was exposed like no other times and she felt so humiliated, wanting the ground to swallow her whole.She covered herself as much as she could throughout her life and here, he was taking a pic of her in such an exposed situation. She felt much more than humiliated by his question. Humiliation was a small word to express her shame and disgust by herself.

If that wasn't enough humiliation, he leaned in and grabbed her neck before pulling her into a kiss. Amal felt helpless, she couldn't even push him away because of her tied handsl.It was something she saved only for her husband, a man who loved her and treated her right. In a few seconds he pulled away with a jerk. Amal saw the phone in his hand and was sceptical, did he just take a photo of them?

Amal was confused about this situation, how did she end up like this? Amal's sob intensified at the feeling of helplessness, he was taking inappropriate pictures of her but she couldn't do anything. Khizr showed her the picture that he took just too before saying, “Imagine how your brother would feel seeing his sister in such a vulnerable state infront their enemy? I heard he has a soft spot for you?” Khizr scoffed.

Amal stared at the photo he took and her cheek was soaked in tears as she tried to push him away with her tied hands but his lips were still on her. Amal felt disgusted by his touch and seeing this image only made her repulse his touch more. She wanted to rub her lips with stone until his touch went away. The fact that her brother was going to see this, the same brother who always loved her, took  exceptional care of her and gave her whatever she desired at whatever time she desired. Even if she wanted the most random snacks in the middle of the night, best believe her brother would get it for her even if it means he'd have to face the wrath of their father. “Why are you doing this? stop already. I'm innocent. My brother is innocent.” Amal whispered weakly staring into his eyes. Khizr chuckled sinisterly, sending shivers down her spine, scaring her even more.

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