going back

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Amina's POV
Jalil had never been the same after hearing of Fatima's pregnancy.He regretted what he did to her.

He was always going to her and asking for forgiveness, this baby brought out the guilt.

Rakia: I can't believe my son has become her slave.
Amina: don't say that.
Rakia: what should I say,when you can perform your duties as a wife.

Amina: why do you say this to me.
Rakia: because you failed to make my son fall for you.
Amina:I did everything I could.
Rakia:oh please ,all you have ever done is give birth to Ali,we need more from you,or Fatima will win.(she walked off angrily.)

Mother-in-law had never spoken to me like this.I was starting to dislike Fatima,this was all her fault.My husband and his family don't love me anymore because of her.

I felt like a stranger in this house, Fatima could use jalil's guilt to get him to divorce me.She hates that am married to her husband.

It was hard to admit but jalil didn't love me enough and would easily divorce me if Fatima requested.

I needed to act quickly.

Fatima's POV
Inorder to love this child I had to forgive it's father.Thats what the therapist said. But could I trust him?never.

Atleast having a cordial relationship with him was enough to raise the child together.

I was ready to do this for the child I had grown to like Abit.Isaacs words helped.Ive missed Isaac.I called jalil into my room.

Fatima: I fogive you.(his eyes lit up.He had been asking for forgiveness for the past few weeks.I could never forgive him but I had to try, for this child.)
I can forgive you but I can never forget, this is for the child's sake.

Jalil:I promise you, Fatima I will be the best father to our child, and if you give me a chance,I will be the best husband to you.
Fatima: it's too late for that (his eyes became filled with sadness,I felt sorry for jalil,he had beaten himself up this past few weeks)

He barely slept or ate,I may not have loved him like before but I still cared for him,he would forever be my best friend.

Fatima:we can be friends for now (his eyes lit up with hope)
Jalil:thank you for giving me a chance,I promise (his voice broke, his eyes filled up with tears) I will make it up to you.
Fatima: it's okay you big baby (I chuckled,he sadly smiled.I hugged him)

Jalil:am so sorry for hurting you Fatima,please forgive me (he cried onto my shoulder,I couldn't help but tear up.)

I was giving him a chance because of our child but deep down I also missed my best friend. But could I ever live with my rapist?

I could never see him the same as I used to but I was willing to try

Weeks passed and it was working.Jalil and I were going for therapy . There was alot of progress in our relationship,drawing more into on our friendship.I could never venture into love with him,after what he did to me.

Apart of me wants me to leave,deep down I resent myself for staying,but what could I do? My baby has every right to be with both of his parents.This is a sacrifice I choose to make.

When it came to romance,it was dead, Because the man who held my heart,was Isaac.

I met up with Amina.

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