second wife moving in with child

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Fatima's POV
I couldn't sleep all night,my eyes were red and sore from crying.I came down only to find a young woman cradling a new born.

I immediately knew that this was jalil's child.Seeing the woman, I knew she was his second wife.I couldn't bare it any longer,I fainted.

I woke up in the guest room I settled in last night,with jalil,his second wife and parents standing in my room.

Rakia: it's good that you are awake,the doctor checked up on you,we for a second thought,you were finally pregnant but it turns out that you are not.its not surprising (she was rubbing salt on my wounds)

Malik: it's good that you moved into his room, because Amina his second wife will move into his room since she is more woman enough.She conceived a beautiful boy.

Rakia:we get it,you are heartbrokened that your husband Married another woman, that too behind your back,but you must understand that he loves you, that was why he didn't divorce you but rather married in addition.You should be grateful.

Malik: let's leave her to rest(they all left except jalil)
Jalil: get well soon(he had a worried expression,an expression I have vowed never to fall for again.He then left.)

I stayed cooped up in my room,I couldn't help but cry when I heard them rejoicing over the birth of the baby boy.I watched them from the window.

Jalil was so happy cradling the baby as his other wife Amina smiled.I felt forgotten.She replaced me.She was living the life I wanted to live with jalil.

It would never happen,even if I were to be pregnant in the future, because he broke me into a million pieces and I will never forget it.

I could never look at him the same.Months passed and I was indeed forgotten.I became depressed and always stayed in my room.

Rakia my mother-in-law couldn't help but taunt me for leaving all the house work for the few staff.She accused me of being selfish.

I was void of emotions,but I just wanted to be left alone so I got the broom and started,but Amina stopped me.

Amina:stop dear sister, I have been taking care of the house.
Fatima: just like you took my husband.
Amina: Fatima, I know it's hard accepting that your husband has married a second wife.

Fatima:no, it's not hard, it's harder, because he hid it for years.
Amina:he didn't want to hurt you.
Fatima: well he did, and hiding it made things worse.
Amina:we didn't mean to.

Fatima:you were also in on it,why didn't you convince him to tell me.
Amina: I tried.
Fatima:you didn't try hard enough because he betrayed me.Its obvious that I would divorce point blank if he told me.

Amint: exactly, the main reason why he didn't tell you.
Fatima:then he is selfish, and you are too
Amina: I was desperate.
Fatima:you still made a mistake, kharma is a bitch,dear sis.

(She looked up scared.I walked off)

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