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Strangely enough, floating inside of a giant cyclone of magic was a pretty peaceful thing. Yet it was also the most chaotic, hellish experience Delphina had ever gone through.

Everything was loud and silent at the same time. It was gentle and tender, but also rough and harsh, throwing Delphina's mind and soul around, refusing to let her gain her bearings for even a second. Her head pounded with effort, trying to maintain some shred of balance and sanity when that distant, firm voice came back to her mind. This time it was clearer. Delphina could tell it was a woman.

'Delphina, stop fighting. You're only making it harder.'

Delphina clenched her jaw at the scolding, trying to regain her senses. 'It hurts,' she snapped at the voice. As if it could hear her, the magic sent another ripple through her body, pushing against her defenses indignantly.

'You touched a magical conduit with enough radiation to take out an entire country if it's destabilized. With your bare hands. It's going to hurt a little bit, honey,' the voice commented dryly.

'I didn't mean to!' Delphina snapped out. 'I was trying to stop Jane. I didn't think about what would happen after I got the wand.'

'Yeah, well, neither did I when I was your age. It's a family trait. Your boyfriend was right that first day. The Tremaine women can be a bit unreasonable at times. We jump first and ask questions later.'

Delphina froze at the woman's words, completely forgetting about the magic in her system. She was finally able to place the voice.


The voice went silent for a moment. Delphina could almost feel her breath hitch over the telepathic link. Finally, she sighed softly, and Delphina could sense the nod of confirmation she must have been giving from the Isle.

'Hi, honey. This...this wasn't how I wanted to meet you after all this time.'

Delphina choked on the minimal air she was able to take in due to the magical overload of her bodily systems. Before she could stop them, questions began spilling through the link and Delphina could feel her aunt wince.

'Easy, easy! I haven't done this in a while. God, you're already a stronger telepath than me. That dragon cunt and her daughter should be jealous.'


'There's a hole in the barrier. I don't know how long it will stay open, and I don't know how much time I have before she takes over, so I need you to listen closely.'

'Wait, but–'

'Delphina. There is a lot of magic working its way through your system right now. It has been around for a long time and it has been starving for a chance like this, and if we don't do this quickly and correctly, you very well could die. Do you want to keep asking questions or do you want to listen to me and make it out of this alive? Because your king is about to charge into this cyclone headfirst and your cousin is about to knock out his father.'

Anastasia reached further into Delphina's mind, regaining her sense of vision enough to allow Delphina to look through the thick cyclone and witness the scene below her.

Wind was still raging in the cathedral, pushing everyone back, but Ben and Chad were undeterred. Kit struggled to keep a hold on his son, his back pressed against the wall for support as Chad desperately fought and thrashed against his father.

Ben was even worse. Four guards on each side were restraining him as Adam stood in front of his son, holding his shoulders firmly as he tried to talk him down. Ben was red in the face, shouting over his father as he fought at the restraints while the guards stumbled and grunted with effort.

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