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AP royal government and advanced Auradonian literature were Delphina's next two classes, which she tuned out as she compiled different ways of getting the kids and her family off the Isle. Half of the ideas were ones she planned on working with Ben on. The others were the possible illegal routes she'd have to take if Ben forgot about saving the other kids. Her teachers weren't particularly pleased with the fact that Delphina couldn't be bothered to look up from the notebook, but she answered all of their questions with ease.

Her fourth-period class, advanced calculus, was no different. She breezed through the textbook, answered a majority of the questions correctly, all while barely lifting her head to glance at the board. The lunch bell rang and Delphina made her way to the cafeteria, whispers following her with every step.

"I swear, it's like she's a living supercomputer."

"We definitely can't trust her now."

"She'd probably use her crazy high IQ to plot against us all."

"As if she wasn't doing that already."

Delphina rolled her eyes at the suspicions, but didn't respond as she slipped into the cafeteria. An arm looped itself through hers as a tall figure in baby blue came up on her other side. The scents of rosy perfume and woodsy, expensive cologne gave away the figures almost immediately.

"So?" Audrey asked excitedly. "How were your first four classes?" Delphina snorted softly at her excitement and Chad chuckled as well.

"Judging by what I've heard, fairly eventful." He mused, turning to Delphina with a raised eyebrow. "You read an entire physics textbook in five minutes?"

Delphina shrugged lightly. "It was actually four minutes and forty three seconds. If you want the specifics." She muttered. Audrey and Chad both snorted loudly, making their way over to the lunch line with Delphina in tow. At their urging, Delphina picked up a chicken sandwich lathered in a dark red sauce Audrey and Chad told her was called 'barbecue'.

Delphina compiled another bowl of fruit, similar to the one she had made at breakfast and joined the duo at the same table they sat at in the morning. "So you've taken four advanced classes so far," Chad began curiously. "How much homework do you have?" He asked.

Delphina shrugged lightly, thinking for a moment. "Not a lot. Two and a half pages of physics problems on electric charge and electrical fields, a four page essay on the history of conflicts in Camelot and their impact on the kingdom, a three page literary analysis on 'The Tales of Auradon: The Foundation of a New Era', and 20 calculus equations." She listed off the assignments casually before biting into her sandwich. Barbecue sauce smeared onto her chin as Audrey and Chad gaped at her.

"Oh, you poor thing." Audrey murmured softly. Delphina snorted as she chewed her food, wiping her chin.

"You've only been here a day!" Chad exclaimed, horrified by her workload. Delphina shrugged, unfazed. If she could handle waitressing, taking care of her family, planning heists, and running an entire ship alongside Uma, she could handle a little homework.

"Well, I mean, the school year is still ending in around a month and a half." She explained, swallowing her food. "I didn't expect them to slow down progress just because I arrived. Actually, I expected them to speed it up. Try and throw me off, you know?"

Audrey and Chad chuckled softly when a voice called out to both of them. The trio turned to see Ben jogging over to them, beaming with his own brown lunch bag. "Hey, guys. Delphina!" The latter smiled at the prince, waving as she bit into her sandwich again. "I didn't know you would be sitting with us." He sighed breathlessly, sitting down between Audrey and Delphina and across from Chad.

𝑨 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴 𝑰𝑺 𝑨 𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑯 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat