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It was days later when Pietro was finally allowed a shower, CNAs instructing Clint on safe ways to do it. He was sat in a shower chair, his lover gently shampooing his hair. It felt good, the younger letting his eyes close. He felt his hair being rinsed off, then the tap turn off. Clint gently dried him, causing Pietro to crack his eyes open and smirk as his boyfriend rubbed his upper thighs with the towel.

"Get your mind outta the gutter, 'Silver." His laugh was magic to the smaller man's ears. He then tugged some loose, pastel pink pajama bottoms onto Pietro, sobering up when it was time for the shirt.

'Don't be scared.' He mouthed slowly. In response, Clint just huffed. "I don't think this is ever gonna not scare me."

He pulled the shirt over his head first, then threading thin arms through. He paused a moment, steeling himself. He watched for the ventilator to inflate his love's chest, quickly disconnecting the tube to pull the shirt on. He then reconnected it, kissing him deeply. Clint was shaking.

'It's okay. See?' His pain was beginning to flare as he offered a weak smile.

The archer just nodded, lifting his partner to carry his light body back to the bed. He was suprised to see Natasha sat in the seat Wanda usually sat in. "Hey, boys. Don't worry, I just sent Wanda down to the cafeteria to get something to eat."

"Stark sent me with some tech, it's rudimentary as hell but he's getting parts in for something better." She unzipped her bag, pulling out a small tablet with two buttons wired to it. "Red is select, blue is to cycle through the letters." She turned it on as she spoke, stalling till Clint had him positioned comfortably and had pushed the button on his pain pump.

She then sat the device onto Pietro's lap, placing the two buttons next to his hand. She sat back and watched as he clicked through, uncoordinatedly hitting the two buttons. "Test." The device spoke in a slightly robotic sokovian accent.

He gave a half-smile and resumed clicking. "Love you."

"Love you too, baby." Clint kissed him softly. "So much."

"Thank you, Nat." She just ruffled his hair. "Couldn't let you go too long without bugging Clint."

It wasn't long before Kate returned with practically the whole vending machine in her arms. "Didn't know what everyone liked so I got pretty much anything." She set it all down on a side table. She then noticed the tablet. "Oh! It's like a smart person version of what I did!" She held up the sketchpad proudly.

The group watched movies together, Wanda joining in the middle of one. Clint sat on the bed next to his love, placing small pieces of chocolate into his partner's mouth to melt. They weren't allowing him to eat yet, but anything that could melt was allowed. This meant lots of chocolate and popsicles for the small man, which Clint was more than happy to provide. He was fed nutrients through a tube down his nose for the time being. It was seemingly overnight that so many machines functioned for him. All that remained clear was his mind, the only thing truely in his control anymore. Sure, Clint would fulfill every wish he could grant, every whim would be met. But, Pietro had never been one to accept help, accept pampering. He longed for the days of waking Clint up to kisses and coffee, for the days of doing good for people just because he could. As he laid idlely in his sickbed, he longed for home.

"Home," he tapped out, tugging his lover's shirt. "When?"

"I'll make some calls and see, babe. Hopefully only a couple more days." A kiss to the corner of his partner's mouth. "Get you back in the tower, back in our bed. I'm sure Lucky's missed you."

The sickly man smiled at that.


They tried the speech valve that evening. His eyes watered as the feeling caused him to involuntarily try to cough. Clint just soothed him, shushing Pietro gently. After the fit stopped, alarms quieting one by one. The therapist coaxed him to try and make a noise, but all that came out was a weak groan followed by raspy coughing. Wanda was crying silently in the corner.

"Ne..." he coughed again, a slow wheeze. "plach."

Wanda sobbed at that. "Don't cry? Really, Pietro?"

He wheezed again, the therapist telling him not to push himself. He rolled his eyes at that, looking to his lover. "Love." It was almost too quiet to decifer.

"I love you too, honey. More than ever." Clint cupped his face, kissing him with all the feeling in him. The moment was near ruined when the coughing started again, but the archer just took his hand, kissing his knuckles lightly. "I think you should take a break, sweetheart. We can keep working on it later, alright?"

Pietro just looked to him sadly, mouthing 'okay'.

The therapist nodded, stopping in the doorway. "Good start, Pietro." She closed the door behind her.

The two lovers laid on the bed together, Clint stroking his hair. "You did good, baby. You did so good. I can tell you're tired, take a nap, love."

Pietro tried a reply, nothing but a weak mumble coming out. "Shh, relax. It's alright, I'll be here."

He stayed with him, the sun setting in the window behind them. It painted the silver hair on the pillow beautiful colors, Clint soaking in his lover's beauty.

Three years ago, Pietro was sneaking up on Clint. He kept his footsteps silent, pausing in the doorway as he saw his partner. He'd been passed out, wrapped in a fluffy comforter. The morning sunrise coated his lover in purples and oranges, wrapping him in it's warmth. The younger stood perfectly still, a rarity, as he basked in the sight. The warmth of the mug of coffee in his grasp eminated through his being. He stole a sip, leaning against the doorframe as he watched. His archer snored quietly, his eyes closed as he drooled. He waited till the colors shifted from his boyfriend to move.

He tiptoed to Clint's side of the bed, setting the cup on the nightstand. He sat lightly on the bed, combing fingers through his hair. "Clint, vremya prosypat'sya."

The older just grumbled, curling in on the blankets.

"Come on, love. I made you coffee." He sing-songs, kissing his lover's cheek.

Clint opens his eyes at that. "Mh, morning Piet. I really don't deserve you."

Pietro rolls his eyes. "Mhm. I am much too handsome for you, old man."

The archer sits up and stretches, groaning. He then takes a large sip of coffee before reaching over to pull his love down for a kiss. He ponders a moment before pulling him all the way down and flipping on top of him, kissing him passionately.

"How about we- oh- skip the briefing?" Pietro pants as Clint bites at his neck softly.

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