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Clint is getting Pietro settled into bed when a soft knock sounds from the bedroom door.

The archer opened it to see Cooper. "I can't sleep."

The sickly man spoke softly, patting the bed. "What is it, malen'kiy?"

Clint and the kid both got up on the bed, the child quickly affixing himself to the now thin body of a man he'd known now for a good portion of his life. He was a second father to him.

"I don't want to lose you." The twelve year old cried against him. "It's not fair!"

"I know. I'm sorry." The small man swallowed thickly. "I will always be with you. Do not forget that."

Clint rubbed his son's back, sighing. There was nothing he could do as the boy barely breathed between sobs.

"Why you?" Cooper sniffled. "There's so many bad people, why would good people get sick?"

"I've done some bad things, Coop. It's not that simple." Pietro spoke slowly, eyes half lidded.

"No, you're a good guy! You're an avenger!" He was clearly distraught, crying even harder.

The archer watched as his boyfriend's eyes watered, tears beginning to spill.


The next morning, Pietro woke to an empty bed and the sound of laughter.

He laid alone for a while, not wanting to interrupt the kids' fun. After a while Clint quietly entered the room, wielding a cup of coffee. He saw his lover was awake, quickly dropping the stealth act.

"Morning, old man." The younger smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"Good enough. You?" Clint sat him up gently, cupping his cheek. He was limp against his boyfriend, fingers slowly curling into the older's shirt.

"Okay. Didn't wake up as much as usual." His stormy blue eyes looked to his lover ernestly. "I dreamt of you."

"Oh, did you?" Clint spoke softly as he helped the other into a hoodie that was once his.

The younger was so beautiful, even now. His silver hair sleep tousled, eyes and smile tired yet genuine. His muscles had long gone, in their place long and lanky limbs. He hummed affirmatively, raising a hand slightly to take Clint's hand in his own. The older tenderly clasped the small, shaking hand to raise it to his lips. He raked a finger across the archer's scruff.

His eyes lowered. "Should get up. Kids must be waiting."

"Alright, love, lets get you up." Clint lifted him, taking care to support his head. Placing him into his chair, he kissed him deeply and whispered to him softly.

As they migrated to the kitchen where Laura was cooking pancakes, the kids watching cartoons in the living room. She stepped away from the stove for a moment, looking to the pair. "Breakfast should be ready soon, if y'all are hungry."

"Thank you, it's looking good." He rests a hand on Pietro's shoulder, idlely running his fingers over the hem of his soft shirt.

"Smells good too..." the younger speaks very quietly, to the point where Clint has trouble hearing. In a slightly louder tone, he spoke again. "Thank you, Laura."

She just affectionately squeezed his hand before returning to the task at hand. Nate, hearing voices, ran into the room.

"Good morning Dad! Morning Piet!" The small boy wrapped his arms around his father's legs, Clint bending down to pick up the child. He kissed his head, pretending to struggle with the weight of the kid.

"Oof, kid, you're getting heavy!" He said in a faux straining voice.

Nate giggled, squirming.

"Okay boys, breakfast is ready. Can one of you get Lila and Cooper?" Clint nodded at this, setting off to go find the other kids.

Pietro sat awkwardly, looking at the floor. Laura said something to Nate, but the sokovian wasn't paying attention until the boy ran off past him. As soon as the kid had left, Laura spoke.

"You have to stop worrying that you're an inconvenience." She continued plating the food. "You're not."

"It is that obvious?' His voice came slow as he studied the kitchen tile.

"Let us care for you. We want to make memories with you, we want to be with you through this. Stop hiding yourself away."

A shaky sigh came from the man. "I- it feels as though the time for good memories is behind me... Memories I impart now will just be filled with sorrow."

Laura approached him, placing a hand on his arm. "Of course there will be sorrow. But there's also gonna be joy, and love. Like Lila braiding your hair last night. That memory may hurt, but the happiness that it leaves will be treasured by her forever. Being able to be with you, Pietro. That's the happiness."

His breath shook as Clint and the kids returned, oblivious the the emotionally charged atmosphere. The archer pulled a chair next to his beloved as Laura distributed plates.

"You eat first, dorogoy." The younger man mumbled, trying to keep his cheeks from flushing at the embarrassment that would ensue.

"How about we both eat?" Clint convinced, lifting a fork with a bit of pancake to his lovers mouth.

He begrudgingly ate with Clint's help, hating the way Laura's eyes reflected sadness. Pietro tried his best to avoid choking, but it was one of the many things out of his control. A weak coughing fit began, Clint's full attention on him in an instant. His head lolled back into the headrest as he struggled, faint wheezing coming from within his chest. The older man leant him forward against his own chest, patting his back firmly.

"Should I call someone?" Laura asked tentatively.

Pietro shook his head the best he could, followed by Clint speaking. "I can probably get it under control. I'll let you know."

As soon as he regained his breath, chest heaving, he gave a faint "no hospital. Am fine." His voice was slurred, accent thick.

"Okay, honey. No hospitals." Clint rubbed his back and kissed him. "No hospitals." He repeated.

When Pietro looked up he saw terrified looks on the kids faces. "I am fine. No worry, okay?"


It was later in the day, Clint playing with the children in the yard. Pietro was placed on the couch, swaddled in soft blankets. He watched through the window in front of him, a small smile playing on his lips. Laura sat in the recliner near him, watching tv and sipping wine.

"Laura." He got her attention softly, waiting for her to turn.

"What is it?" She had concern hidden in her voice.

"Take care of him for me. Please." He looked over at her weakly. "Don't let him lose his way."

She closed her eyes a moment, taking a breath before speaking. "Of course I will. I love him in my own way, and I'll be there for him. Don't worry, he'll be taken care of."

Pietro lets out a sigh of air he didn't feel himself holding. Tears threaten to spill from his eyes as he sniffs. "This wasn't meant to happen," his voice cracks. "We were going to grow old together."

"I know."

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