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Morning came and the servants were busy preparing and organizing the whole manor. Some servants were divided into working and taking care of each member of the family as today was a special day for Felicia.

Everyone was excited, talking about their first Miss receiving the highest honour one could receive—the Future Empress position. Surely, every noblewoman would be jealous at such honour being given towards their first Lady—

A loud shriek has made everyone stop from their chitchat, paranoid as to where that yell came from. Everyone started to rush towards the room in which they had heard the scream coming from, wishing nothing had happened.

The continuous cries came from the emerald room, making everyone panic. The last time they heard someone shouting was the time the regent Duchess had a dead body in her room, slain by the unknown.

"Milady!" Everyone called as they rushed to open the door, revealing Felicia on the ground, crying as she looked at her dress, made by Julie, destroyed and ruined that it is no doubt unwearable.

"Oh, Goddess!" Everyone had various comments upon seeing the dress, ruined and wrecked. Their eyes went wide, pity flashed as the gorgeous dress was now unusable, leaving Felicia with no dress to wear.

"What happened?!" Alexander came and rushed inside, pushing the servants away from blocking the door. His eyes shot worry as he came forward towards Felicia who was crying, heartbroken.

"What happened—" before he could even ask as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, kneeling beside her, his eyes then went into the mannequin with a dress almost unrecognisable with the trinkets ruined and on the ground.

He could feel his blood pressure rising, looking at the servants with anger flashing in his eyes. Whoever did this to Felicia will surely taste hell. "WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!" He yelled, still hugging the crying woman.

The servants were silent, no one was answering his call as they really had no idea who did it. Meanwhile, Olivia stepped inside and immediately went to the balcony, looking at the lock that was heavily severed.

Meaning, someone has snuck inside the room through the balcony door.

"Young Master... It seems that the bolt has been destroyed. The assailant must have used the balcony door for easy access and destroyed the First Lady's dress." She said, gripping the knob that was destroyed.

Whoever did this to her Mistress, Olivia hopes that she will face the hell ten thousand times or more than that. He deserves heavenly retribution after destroying the priceless dress made by her Mistress' friend!

"What?" Alexander asked, frowning. She meant to say, someone destroyed the door just to ruin the dress? His eyes slowly look at Felicia with confusion, how come she didn't hear the commotion happening?

It's not easy to destroy the lock after all. And if it is destroyed, it'll make a loud noise and would wake her up. Plus, Noctua is guiding her and is staying in her room as always. How come the two weren't able to notice the balcony being destroyed?

"What on earth is this commotion all about?" The Duke suddenly interrupted their conversation, making everyone now their heads in the presence of the lord of the mansion,  fear creeping into their faces.

Behind the Duke was Helena, peeking out her head to see the commotion. Once her eyes landed on the poor woman crying, she immediately went to her side, looking at her while shedding tears.

"Are you alright, sister? How awful!" She exclaimed with such exaggeration, making Alexander hiss at Helena who immediately stepped aside and went back behind the door, wiping her tears.

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