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Another morning came, and just like before everything felt normal. Moreover, Rachelle lost count of the days that she has been here and has fully adopted her responsibilities and her identity as Felicia as it was a normal thing to do.

Breakfast came and everyone was just eating peacefully. Except for Helena who kept on looking at her with eyes, mocking her existence. As if there's something that she's not aware of or something that means she won the game.

But Rachelle just ate silently and didn't bother looking right in her direction. It's not her responsibility to indulge that woman in her satisfaction of mocking her. Let her do what she wants.

"Felicia." The Duke suddenly called as he wiped his mouth, seemingly done with his food. "Yes, your Grace?" She asked, putting down her utensils.

Hearing her addressing him like a stranger, Roelle felt a pang on his chest, as if he couldn't accept how she addressed her. It's been so long and he has been accustomed to her presence but she remained far and unapproachable.

"I found a good teacher to teach you how to use swords." He announced, clapping his hands while looking at Felicia to see expressions behind that cold facade of hers and it didn't disappoint him at all.

Her eyes sparkled in enthusiasm, feeling joyful over the news that someone would finally teach her to use a sword. Somehow, his heart which was feeling down earlier, suddenly burst into a joyful state, enjoying Felicia's expression right now.

"Really? May, I ask who is it? When will we start the training? Shall we start now?" She asked which made Alexander laugh at how cute her behaviour is right now. She was really different from the noble ladies who were more interested in fashion and socializing through parties.

She's more interested in how to stab someone and could potentially kill someone. Women would look at her like some barbarian if they learned the news that she's taking sword lessons.

"Good for you, Felicia to finally have someone to teach you how to use swords." Alexander congratulated her, smiling with her. He was glad that she sounded so happy after learning the news.

"Your teacher requested next week to officially start your classes since he's not available this week," Roelle said, his face distorted into softness, breaking his character in front of everyone. He was usually cold and a very rough-spoken man. But today, he sounded soft and very easy-going which is very surprising.

"Oh... Still, I can wait if that's what he wishes then so I shall obey." She answered, still smiling over the fact that he had finally found someone to teach her. But that was fast, it's not even a week yet and he had already found someone to comply with her wish.

"What? What are you all talking about?" Helena asked, feeling left out of their conversation. She was frowning while looking at them, celebrating happily over such announcements.

"Your sister decided to learn how to use swords so I got her a sword teacher." The Duke said, sipping his wine calmly, still feeling light.

"Oh... Well, that's sad... For what reasons would a woman want to learn how to use a sword? It's unsophisticated for a woman to even dream and hold or use a sword." She commented, looking innocent yet her words were vile.

This made everyone stop as they all looked at Helena who was carving malicious words behind her innocent look. Everyone suddenly felt irked with her behaviour, throwing shade at Felicia.

"So? What does my talent have to do with your comment?" Felicia asked, looking at her calmly, not affected by her words at all. She's not, why would she be affected by it? "Unless the Royal Family is against women holding swords then it's possible to listen to everyone's demand." She added as she continued to eat.

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