Chapter 7 P.1: The Three J's

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Celeste's POV

I brushed my hair out as gently as I could. Xavier said he wants to introduce officially to those of ranking in his pack. He said technically I've already met them but that no one actually got to introduce themselves. I instantly knew he meant the three pack members who found me along the border and found myself filled with anxieties. I knew that they were only protecting their pack but they still scared the shit out of me that day. I had just gone through something horrible, I was hurt, and they were in no rush to even try to help me. To be fair, I also couldn't mind-link them due to my head injury (or so I've been told) so maybe they thought I was intentionally not speaking to them? I don't know, either way my hand was shaking right now. Xavier gave me a few hours to relax and prepare while he let the guys know to gather.

A polite knock rapped on the door, "Are you feeling-" I turned on the chair in the bathroom to face Xavier who had stuck his head in. His mouth was slightly parted as he looked me up and down. I looked down at the soft yellow dress Zay had brought up for me, wondering if maybe it was see-through and I hadn't previously noticed. Not seeing my nipples blazing in the wind, I looked back up to meet Xavier's eyes.

"Are you okay?" I turned back to the mirror, desperately trying to brush out the back of my hair that I kept fumbling the brush through. I cursed under my breath, dropped the brush on the counter and resorted to patting my hair down with my hand. It was just a little frizzy from my nap earlier and it wasn't like I was used to being any more neat than having twigs in my hair.

"Yeah, I'm good." He took a few even steps until he was behind me. He grabbed a hold of the brush I had just set down. "You just," I brought my eyes to meet his in the mirror. He began to brush the back of my hair. "You look lovely in yellow." He turned a slight shade of red in the mirror, it was amusing to see on a man of his stature and status.

"Thank you. You. . You look good yourself." I wanted to slap myself for saying that. Sure I was just paying back a compliment but Goddess, did I have to sound so awkward? He did look good though. He had changed to a blue button up and dark gray pants and shoes to match.

"Thank you." He seemed to falter for a moment before setting the brush back down. "C'mon, the guys are waiting downstairs and they have to get back to work soon." I nodded. Of course they had work to do. One didn't hold a stance in their pack lightly. What about Xavier? He had spent the last couple of days almost entirely with me, I hope I'm not holding him back from anything important.

Xavier led me downstairs, obviously upset when I insisted on being able to get down the stairs myself, and to a room at the back of the downstairs hallway past the living room. He didn't knock on the door, just opening it gently and holding it for me. I looked up from my focus on the crutches to see a meeting room with a long table with only three of the chairs occupied. All three men sitting rose when we entered. I immediately recognized the tallest of the three as the man who stayed in his human form at the border. His hair is still the same mop of brown hair, not styled in any particular way; looking like he probably often ran a hand through it. It laid down to his mid neck in a confusing array of waves and almost curls. His eyes are a muddled brown, reminding me of a canyon I've come across once or twice in my life. The other two are a bit more unfamiliar but I know from Xavier's words that these two were also at the border that day. They're shorter than the other man and Xavier. One of them holds a wide stance with brown hair shaved closely at the sides, his also brown eyes lighter than the others in the room but they seem. . angrier? I worry about annoying him before I've even opened my mouth. The last man is the shortest of the three, not quite fitting amongst the rest of the testosterone in the room. He's skinnier but not quite as skinny as me with long dark brown hair that he has tied in a loose ponytail at the back of his neck. He smiles at me, the only one in the room to do so. Him and the other shorter one stand next to each other while the other stands on the opposite side of the table.

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