Chapter 5 P.2: Don't Let Me Go

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Celeste's POV

He was silent for a second as his eyes glazed over. He's mind-linking someone. In less than a minute, there was a knock on the door before Zay peaked her head in, seeing us on the floor.

"Hi, Celeste." I gave her a small smile. Xavier helped me sit back on the bed as Zay pulled her chair closer. Xavier sat back on the chair he was using earlier. "Xavier told me you haven't heard from your wolf?" I nodded. "Is this something that she does, maybe? Perhaps she goes quiet sometimes?" I shook my head.

"Ancillary is one of my only friends in this world. She doesn't always talk on her own but she always answers me when I call to her." Zay's brows furrowed.


"My wolf? That's her name."

"Interesting. . ." I tilted my head in confusion. "It's just, most werewolves don't have a name for their wolf. They tend to feel one in the same. I only know one other werewolf who has a name for their wolf. I'd love to talk to you more about this at a different time, if that's okay?" I nodded hesitantly. I wasn't aware that people didn't have names for their wolves. I just know that mine has always been Ancillary. When I first heard her voice in my head, I was honestly scared. And then Mom told me that, that's my wolf and I should be very excited. The other kids in the group laughed at me, calling me dumb. One day I asked her, her name. And that's what she said; Ancillary. She was my only constant. Through all the hard days, the abuse from the other kids, the good moments, all of it. She's been there. "I think this may have to do with your head injury. At no point have I ever heard of a werewolf losing their wolf nor have I come across anything in my recent research. Do you mind if I check your injury?" I nodded as Zay got up. She closed the distance between us, instructing me to look towards Xavier as she brushed some of my hair aside. I realized for the first time that my hair was cleaner, less tangled. I looked at Xavier and he gave me a small smile. Did he brush my hair? I blushed, picturing the pure but intimate action. The last person to brush out my hair for me. . Well I haven't seen him in years now. "It looks good. I think that while your healing is very slow at the moment, that it's still doing decent. The cut is already less angry and inflamed. I think we should wait until you're fully healed before we worry about your wolf." I furrowed my brows. Was that a good idea? What if there was something to do now and delaying would keep Ancillary away? "I can make more calls, if that brings you comfort? See if maybe some of my mates friends have ever come across such an instance? I just don't want you to be hopeful for some miracle treatment. I do think time might be our best bet but I am willing to look for you." I nodded. She was most likely right. I hit my head pretty hard and they've said multiple times that my healing is delayed right now but not with much worry. I assume that means it's going to be back to normal eventually. Looking back, I do recall having periods of time where it took longer for me to heal; having to hide bruises for longer than I liked from Mom. "Otherwise, you're feeling okay? No more dizziness?" I nodded. She pulled out a stethoscope, instructing me through several things I guess she felt were necessary, poking and prodding and listening to my breaths. Xavier remained silent the entire time, occasionally reaching out a hand to offer me reassurance when I hesitated through some of Zay's instructions. It's not like she was doing anything bad, I was just a typically uncomfortable person. "Would you like to learn how to use crutches? So you can walk around while you're in the cast?" I nodded. I was aware of what crutches were, I had read many dictionaries and books over the years when the opportunity presented itself, but I had never actually seen them before. Zay left, coming back moments later with the bulky objects.

"Here," Xavier helped me up as Zay handed me the crutches. At my obvious confusion, Zay took them back and showed me how to hold them. I took them back and held them under my arms like she did. Through much confusion, hesitation, and wobbling; Zay and Xavier managed to show me how to use them. They felt uncomfortable but I appreciated being capable of moving around on my own, not that Xavier didn't remain one step behind me.

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