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Its Lunch break now which i absolutly hate. To many people for me. But Hailee loves people and to get their attention. Always being in the middle. One other reason why i hate break is the bullying. It all startet 2 years ago when my problems with mental health started. When i was 16 my dad got problems with drinking and thats where this whole mental health thing started. I am undiagnosed but i know there is somthing wrong with me, so i dont need someone tell me what exactly i have. I didnt tell my parents. I just couldnt. Especially because of my dad. He doesnt believe in mental health, so i gave up with it.

I am pulled out of thoughts. Tommy,the rest groups of popular guys and girls are standing in front of me. "Dyke your in the way!" One of the boys raise his voice. I realised i was standng in the middle of the empty Hall. Fuck this shit. Today is already enough to just leave. I step aside to make room for them. Then i quickly walk towards the libary. " Hey i am not finished with you" I hear Tommys voice behind me. I take a deep breath. I am so done with his shit. I turn around. I can feel the tears building their ways in my eyes. "What is your fucking problem with me? I didnt do anything! Is your life really that bad that you have to make other people down? And who gave you the right to judge other lives you dont know anything about? I'm tired of this. I have enough stuff going on at home i dont need more problems here because of you." I could see i shocked him a little but that was soon replaced with anger. I didnt notice the crowed around us. He walks quickly up to me and pushes me to the ground. Son of a bitch. His fist connect with my face. Fuck why on the first day. He didnt seem like he would stop anytime near. I dont understand his problem with me, i didnt do anything to him. My vision gets blurry but i can feel Tommy getting up from me. Probably some teachers."Charlie are you okay? Can you hear me?" I directly recognize the voice even though i heard it for the first time today. Its miss Astor. I slowly open my eyes again. I can feel that my face is covered in blood. I look up in beautiful green eyes. Fuck i should stop staring." Are you okay?" she asks with a voice i can not assing. I hum as an answer. I dont feel good but i cant show weakness. I showed to much weakness today. I feel like crying. I wanna cry but not here not next to her. Ugh why am i always thinking about her. "Can you get up?" she asks. I hum again and stand up. Probably not the best idea because my vision was black. The last thing i know is arms wrapping around me and picking me up.


My body feels heavy and exhausted. I hear beeping in my ears. Regular beeping like these monitors in a Hospital. No oh god no. I cant be in a hospital. My dad will be so mad. "Fuckkkk" I open my eyes slowly but close them as soon i see bright lights. Movements next to me. Was he here? No he wouldnt. He wouldnt be so calm. Ha he wouldnt even care in first place.  I open my eyes again. i look around to see "Miss Astor??" From everybody on this earth she must be here? "Hi you too Charlie. Do you feel better?" There is this voice again. " Yea my head hurts still though." I cant believe he got me in a hospital."What time is it?" I ask. I dont even know how long i was gone. She looks at her wrist. "Its 7:30 pm" she says. Oh fuck. I shoot up. " I have to go. Now." I am so dead. "Charlie" Finny comes through the door. I run to him to hug him. I feel tears in my eyes again. "I guess he didnt come?" I ask finny. He gives me a sad smile. "He is not in a good form to come here." As i excepted. "What about Mom?" He jusst shakes his head. I forgot miss astor was here until she cleared her throat. " What are you still doing here? School is long over so?" I ask. "When you passed out we called a ambulance. I tried to call your parents but only voicemail and i didnt wanted to leave you alone here." She smiles softly at me. " Thank you for staying" I smile back. " By the way when can i leave?" I ask i cant stand it here any longer. Finny sstarts laughing a little. " It was only a matter of time until you would ask. You can leave with me now. Doctor said its fine." Hes said. I smile and get my stuff together. 

We three walk out the hospital toghter. "Thanks again for staying and im sorry that you had to stay because of me." "Its okay i didnt mind." She says with a soft smile. In english i was scared  of her and now shes so soft. "I have to go now though. Good night Charlie and stay home tomorrow. You need to rest." She says with this voice again. "Good night you too and i will think about it." She chuckles softly. With that we both go seperated ways to our cars. I am so tired. I hope these next days will be better. I have to text Hailee about tomorrow. My eyes feel heavy so i close them. I cant believe how this day turned out and it was only the first day. This is gonna be a long senior year. My mind slowly drift away to dream lands.



Im sorry for not really uploading but school is so exhausting. But i will try to write more these next days.

See yaa


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