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The beeping of my alarm rings in my ears.

Fuck this

How i hate school. But i cant change it so here i am. I push the cover from my body and stand up. I shortly look through my room. Ugh what a mess in here again. Then i grab my clothes for the day out of my closet and leave my room. On the way my brother Finley walks towards me. " Morning Kiddy! Mom and dad are not home again and i have to work today. Is it okay that your alone today? If not i can ask my co-worker to change shift with me." Actually i love being alone. " Its okay Finny. Maybe i will hang out with Hailee anyway." Hailee my bestfriend. She is very diffrant than me. She is the kind of girl which goes on partys and hooks up with guys. Yea i am the complet opposite. Always alone,introvert and gay. She and Finnley are the only ones who knows it. I think its always gonna be only them.

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