256: The Information Lin Sanjiu Uncovered

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"That's impossible!" Reno exclaimed, his voice almost too loud, being the first to react to the information. "There are at least 800,000 books in each wing! Are you saying they have finished searching through all those books so quickly?"

"Who, where, and which book?" Rena said, her anxiety evident. "Why didn't she announce that information?"

'Could this be pure luck?' Lin Sanjiu pondered, doubtful.

The rules of Kisaragi Library's book-searching event were straightforward. It wasn't a mystery that required understanding the underlying logic to find the right answers. It was as direct as it gets. Participants had to search for the books without any wordplay or trickery.

Under these conditions, even Nüwa would have to manually search the books. It would take magical abilities for someone to simply pinpoint the books' locations mentally.

"Are there really abilities that work like magic?" Lin Sanjiu sighed softly. She scanned through multiple books in front of her with her Higher Consciousness, the titles quickly flashing past her eyes. Some titles were very close to the target books. Still, upon closer inspection, she would find titles like The Alluring Consort Escapes With a Baby and others that were slightly different, leading to disappointment.

"I've heard of that before in the Twelve Worlds Centrum. However, that's like witchcraft, and nobody knows if it's true," the teenage boy, looking more worried, responded to Lin Sanjiu's thoughts. "If someone has that ability, they can quickly find the next book."

However, the next 28 hours, without any announcements from Siri, proved that the incident wasn't related to witchcraft.

Perhaps the announcement that a book had been found affected everyone because no one from the four wings made any sound. There were no disturbances, as if all the teams, including Lin Sanjiu and the siblings, were fully engrossed in finding the target books.

After a long, fruitless search, someone finally took action.

They suddenly heard a hoarse but penetrating voice, grating like sandpaper against wood. The siblings, sleeping with their heads together, woke up abruptly, startled by the voice. Still looking a bit drowsy, they listened as the person with the ear-grating, unpleasant voice said, "Hey, you... Fella from the east wing, what did you ask Siri? Why was there an announcement that someone had found a book after you guys went to ask her a question? I'm not insinuating anything; I just want to know your question."

The person's voice was unnervingly creepy, like nails scratching a blackboard, enough to give anyone goosebumps.

When Silvan finally spoke, the siblings had a sort of "our ears are saved" feeling.

However, what he said was a little hard to understand:

"I can tell you what we asked her. There is no need for us to hide anything," Silvan said with a breezy voice, as if he was unaware of the hidden intentions of the speaker from the west wing, "Peach, why don't you tell that man what you asked Siri?"

The woman spoke immediately, "I asked Siri, 'Do you know where the five books are?' Then, Siri replied that she didn't know."

All the people listening intently to her were flabbergasted by what she said.

"She tried to run downstairs, but she asked Siri such a stupid question. If Siri knew where the books were, would she need so many people to look for the books?"

Almost as if he could read everyone's mind, Silvan suddenly raised his voice and said, "If you don't believe me, please feel free to approach Siri and ask her to tell you the question we posed. That would prove that we did not find that book."

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