195: So What if You've Learned This?

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A yellow piece of paper swooshed around in the air. It whirred and finally hit the old woman sitting dignifiedly in her seat. She instantly let out a painful hiss and suddenly rushed toward the person who just boarded the train. Then, she stopped in front of his face, within a breath's distance.

Five minutes ago, the train had stopped at Kitty Provincial Hospital station. Two teenagers, a boy and a girl, boarded the train. Their cheerfulness and casual demeanor stood out like a sore thumb in this inexplicable world.

When Lin Sanjiu saw them, she slowly floated to the back of the train carriage while they were not noticing, hoping to find a chance to slip away. Even though those two people were alive and living, Lin Sanjiu did not want to have anything to do with them. They didn't seem to have any ill intentions, but...

"Bro, are you keeping it alive because you want to KISS it?" With a crop of dazzling pink short hair, the teenage girl laughed as she punched the teenage boy teasingly. Then, she turned to the old woman and yelled, "Hehe! Sister-in-law!"

The teenage boy had a childish face. He wore a pair of baggy skate pants and a pair of sneakers that seemed too large for him. He looked less than two years older than the girl and had some pimples. He was furious, "Shaddup! This page isn't good. Try yours!"

"Okay," the girl replied in a surprisingly cooperative manner. She searched through the pockets of her tulle dress, took out a pair of gloves, and wore them. The old woman creepily turned her head to look at the girl and received a punch on her face while the girl shouted, "Superstition is banned after the founding of our country!" Bright light exuded from her hands, and smoke poured from the old woman's head like a burning paper. Soon, the old woman vanished like smoke in thin air.

The siblings could see the spirits on the train and handled them swiftly and proficiently without showing any fear.

"Look at them! And look at yourself!" Mrs. Manas chided Lin Sanjiu quietly.

The grayish-white brain drifted to the second carriage, appearing to be remorseful. But Lin Sanjiu didn't hide because she wanted to go to a corner and reflect on her actions. Rather, Lin Sanjiu felt that her current predicament was like an unfortunate puppy that fell into the hands of some naughty children.

The teenagers were about fifteen or sixteen, the youthful age where kids liked to do crazy stuff. While Lin Sanjiu slowly drifted away from them. Both of them eradicated the spirit-like duoluozhongs one after another, almost clearing half the spirits in that carriage. From the girl's excited expression, this was pure fun for them.

Since they could see her brain form created from her Higher Consciousness, Lin Sanjiu had no idea how she could protect herself if they attacked her, mistaking her for one of those spirits. She slowly floated to the ceiling of the train. She found the fluorescent light man in the same carriage; he was quick and had escaped to this carriage somehow. Lin Sanjiu headed in the opposite direction from him and found a crack to hide in. She could clearly observe the two kids through the carriage door from this carriage.

The girl obliterated two spirit duoluozhongs. Noticing that she had killed more duoluozhongs than her brother, she couldn't help bouncing happily on the spot, the many accessories all over her body jingling. She wore white socks and a pair of pink Mary Janes.

"Alright! Alright! You arrogant brat," the boy's ability seemed out of form, and he was eager to give in to her. Sitting on one of the seats, he said to her, "We just have to clear one carriage. Can you just calm down and take a seat?"

The girl put her hands on her hips and looked around the carriage. Her next words almost made Lin Sanjiu's heart miss a beat—if she still had a heart.

"Isn't it odd? Where did that brain go? What supernatural story is it from?"

"Forget it. Anyway, it's just a brain." The boy placed his legs on the opposite train seat callously. A pair of white hands grabbed his ankles. "How bothersome! There is still one more here. Give me another page!"

A piece of yellow paper appeared out of nowhere and struck the pair of hands. The hands instantly disappeared. The teenager sneered and took back the paper. "That's more like it."

His sister showed little concern for him and continued searching for the brain. Lin Sanjiu attempted to conceal herself in the gap between the train's layered walls. However, her round brain form made it challenging to hide effectively.

"Lin Sanjiu, you're currently in a Higher Consciousness form. You can alter your form to some extent..." Mrs. Manas hinted, observing her struggle. "Give it a try..."

Understanding, Lin Sanjiu imagined herself hitting her forehead and quickly calmed herself. Though she could vividly recall her limbs when she had a body, now she could only sense herself as a light blob, with an unstable form that fluctuated slightly with her emotions. But within this blob, she sensed a nucleus.

"What's that?" she asked.

"It's what your Higher Consciousness retained from your brain. Your mind, your conscience, or whatever you call it. It defines you as Lin Sanjiu. But that's not important. The girl is approaching!"

Hearing this, Lin Sanjiu focused on the nucleus. Suddenly, her Higher Consciousness sent a soothing sensation, like gentle waves surrounding her.

"If I pull that bit of Higher Consciousness closer, I can hide in that corner..." Lin Sanjiu's mind was consumed by the sensation within her form.

"No wonder Buddhist scriptures liken the human body to a sack of skin." Without her body, Lin Sanjiu executed her every thought and will swiftly and gracefully. With a command, her Higher Consciousness surged and circulated, an incredible sensation.

Mrs. Manas was surprised to see the brain gradually thinning until it had a spindle shape. Lin Sanjiu managed to conceal herself entirely behind the first layer of the wall. While she had suggested the idea, she hadn't anticipated Lin Sanjiu mastering it so swiftly, even without her guidance.

However, just as Lin Sanjiu thought she could relax, someone pried open the first layer of the wall. The teenage girl narrowed her bright, round eyes. "Oh? You even know how to hide?"

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