Chapter 18

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Day 141

Lena saw Alex coming towards her and Sam and she knew what was about to happen.

Alex had clearly finished her workout a few minutes earlier than usual, so Lena was not going to stick around to see the passionate kiss the Commander would share with Sam.


Kara ended up telling Nia that she was going to tell Lena how she felt only to get her off her back. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but they were just in such a good place, all of them were. They still had a lot of time to spend together, and Kara really didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that.

Plus, she was absolutely one hundred percent sure that Lena did not feel the same way about her. And even if she did, Kara was still asexual and she knew how that story ended. She didn't want to lose Lena, not like that. Not like she had lost all her exes and potential somethings.

"Hey, I didn't know you were still here." Lena's voice caught her off guard. Kara had just finished running and was unhooking the harness from the treadmill.

"Oh, sorry, I was thinking and didn't realized—"

Lena chuckled, "It's fine. I'm a few minutes early anyway, Sam and Alex were being a couple in front of me."

When Kara finally looked at her, the very moment her eyes made contact with Lena's, she heard a familiar blip coming from the monitor.
A blip that the monitor made to indicate they should slow down because their heart was beating a little bit too fast. The monitor that was currently still showing Kara's heart rate.
A heart rate that kept going up, even though she was no longer moving.

The problem was that Lena obviously heard it too, which made Kara even more nervous. So the blip wasn't stopping. And try as she might, she couldn't take the damn harness off.

Lena knew she could just turn off the computer and take Kara out of her misery. But she was a scientist and needed further proof that this meant what she thought it meant, you know, for science. So she actually laughed at her attempts and floated closer. "May I?"

Kara's heartbeat was all over the place now.
Lena smirked and put her hands on the harness, careful not to touch anything else, her eyes never leaving Kara's.

The harness was finally off. The blip finally stopped. They were still so incredibly close. Their lips were so cl—

"Oh, you're still here, Supergirl?"

Kara was suddenly floating away from her and Lena was going to kill Samantha Arias.
She wondered if the whole mission would then turn into a real-life Among Us game. When she remembered she would have Alex to answer to, she decided against it. Still, Lena refused to talk to her during their whole workout.

Im so sorry this is a week late, I'll try to finish up the next chapter today as it's almost finished.
Next chapter is also going to be a little longer so be prepared!!
Have a wonderful day<333

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