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The day after Raine wakes up I take her to my cave. It's smaller then most, I didn't need much space. The only things in it were my nest, a trunk of what few possessions I have and a small pit for fires.

Raine looks around the small space and I can see her muscles clenching. "It is only until our house is built," I promise her. "In the meantime I will find a cave that has a window so you can see outside."

She looks at me tiredly, "thank you. I don't deserve how nice you're being."

I look at her confused, "why do you not? You have done nothing to me to make me be mean to you."

She takes a deep breath before admitting, "because I was going to leave you."

Her words are a knife to my heart but I try to hide it as best as I can, "why? Did I do something?"

She shakes her head quickly, "no! You did nothing wrong." She sighs heavily before continuing, "the entire reason I snuck into the ceremony was to find an orc who could take me away from the village safely. When we were far enough away or at their home, then I was going to sneak away. All I wanted was to find my sister. She was all I thought about, all I could focus on."

I smile slightly, "family is important. Now that you've found her, are you still wanting to leave? I'll go with you if you do."

"You would do that?" She asks hesitantly. "You'd leave your family behind for me?"

I move slowly and kneel in front of her, my head even with her breasts, "you are my family now. Where you go, I go. If you'll have me."

She smiles softly as her hands come up to cup my face, "of course I'll have you. Why do you think I didn't run away as soon as we left the village?" She leans in and kisses me lightly, "because even after that first night, I was falling for you."

"Falling?" I ask her teasingly. "You've never fell around me."

She hits my shoulder gently, "you know what I mean."

I pretend to think, "no, I don't think so. It must be a human phrase I've never heard before."

"Mako," she says with a small groan. "Are you going to make me say it?"

I grin, "yes."

"Fine," she says as she returns my grin. "I love you, you big oaf."

I pull her down slowly so that she's on my lap and kiss her gently, "I love you too, little mate."


Later that night I wake to the sound of crying. I blink rapidly to clear the sleep from my eyes and look around, my eyes finally landing on the source-

Raine is curled up against the far wall, hugging her knees as she sobs into her arms.

I get up quickly and rush to her side, "are you alright?" I ask her.

She screams and moves away from me, "who's there?" Her eyes looking around but glancing right over me, terror on her face.

"It's me, Mako," I tell her softly. "You are safe."

"No.. no.. go away!" She yells as she continues to scoot away. "Leave me alone!" She bumps into my trunk and screams again, the sound piercing the air and echoing around the small cave.

"Raine," I try again. "You are safe, I promise you."

"Go away, go away, go away!" She yells as she rocks back and forth.

Light fills my cave as River rushes in. She holds her lantern tightly as she looks between us, finally glaring at me. "She's afraid of the dark!" She half yells at me as she rushes to her sisters side.

The dark? It wasn't dark in here, was it? I look over at the fire pit that had been casting a soft glow when we went to sleep, but now was dead and dark.

"River?" Raine sobs.

River pulls Raine into her arms and holds her tightly, "I'm here, it's ok, you're safe."

I move towards them, "I'm sorry."

Raine sees me move and ducks her head against River, "no," I hear her muffled sob.

River looks at me, "Mako you need to go. At least for now."


She cuts me off, "there is nothing you can do for her except leave."

I look at my crying mate clutching desperately at her sister, pain and helplessness swell inside me. I give her a nod, not trusting my voice.

And I leave.

The Orcs Pregnant MateWhere stories live. Discover now