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Our journey is slow going despite the giant Icebears that pull our wagons. The snow we had predicted had come and gone, making the road a muddy mess. There were times that we had to get out and push to help through the rough patches, and my sweet mate even offered to help, despite being smaller than the wagon wheels.

She watches in amusement as I get myself covered in mud, but the amusement quickly turns to something else when I lift the wagon out of the deep rut. The slight breeze sends her sweet scent to me. I glance up at her and she is very pointedly not looking at me, but her cheeks have a blush to them and she wiggles slightly with her legs crossed on the seat.

It would appear that my mate likes my muscles. A good thing to know that I will definitely make use of.

After a week of traveling, my Raine seemed to be more comfortable around me. She didn't hesitate to cuddle into my side as we drive the wagon and as the days pass, I have even managed to make her laugh again.

Even though we both sleep inside the wagon, we sleep on separate sides. I made sure to give her all the warmest furs, keeping only a few for myself despite her protests. And true to my word, I make sure there are heated water skins in her nest, but I still hear her teeth chatter in the night. Despite my many offerings, she won't allow me into her nest to keep her warm.

Tonight was the coldest of them all. The wind made the wagon rock slightly as it howled outside and a light frost was starting to grow on the ceiling. I had made sure that all the water skins I had were heated and in my Raine's nest, but her body still shook with cold.

I stayed on my side as I promised, but I still pleaded with her. "Please my mate, let me warm you. My body is much hotter then yours."

"I'm fi- fine," she says as she shivers.

My breath forms a cloud as I breath heavily, "you are not! You will freeze!"

"If you can survive the cold, so can I," she argues.

"I am built for it! I was born in a snowstorm, took naps outside as a babe, have dug great ice caves in frozen lakes and I am still cold!" I argue back. "You will die from being so stubborn and I- I cannot lose you."

There's a long pause and she finally says, "well, since you're cold, and I- I have all the.. blankets, I suppose you can join me." I'm across the small wagon and in her furs before her words have stopped. She lets out a small yelp as my hot skin meets hers, "no sudden moves Mako!" She hisses, her voice half full of panic.

In my hurry to get her warm, I had forgotten that she can't see in the dark like I can. "I'm sorry," I tell her. "I forgot that you cannot see like I can." I hold as still as I can while her breathing returns to normal and then I ask, "can I hold you? It will warm you faster."

She doesn't answer, but after a long minute, she pulls my arm around her and cuddles into my side. Her frozen hands slip under my shirt and touch my side and it takes everything I have not to jump away. She sighs happily as her hands slowly warm up and the rest of her body wraps around mine until she's half laying on me.

It takes a long time for her to stop shaking. When she finally does, she whispers, "thank you."

"Thank you for letting me," I tell her, just as softly. "I am sorry you are cold."

Her head nuzzles my chest, "it's alright. It's not the first time and considering where we are going, I doubt it'll be the last." She moves and one of her legs ends up on either side of one of mine, her knee brushing my sensitive spot. She must feel me freeze because she asks, "are you alright?"

"Yes," I tell her. "I am.. just trying not to move."

She immediately starts to get up, "am I too heavy?"

I chuckle and gently stop her, "you weigh nothing. I did not want to move in case it startled you again."

"Oh," she says softly. She settles back down onto my chest and I can feel her heart beating in time with mine. "Thank you," she says suddenly. "For being so understanding and respectful of my boundaries."

"Of course," I tell her. "I would not be a good mate if I went against your wishes. I want you to like me, not fear me."

"I do like you," she confesses. "I feel... safe with you. I haven't felt that way in a long time." My chest rumbles in happiness and she laughs, "are you purring?"

I scoff, "orcs do not purr."

"It sounds like you are," she says as she puts her hand on my chest.

She lifts her head and in the dark I can see the indecision on her face, "you can ask whatever you want," I tell her gently.

She looks startled, "I forgot you can see me."

"I will close my eyes if you don't want me to," I offer.

"No, it's not that. I just.. wish I could see you," she says hesitantly.

"You don't need your eyes to see," I tell her. "You can use your hands."

"My hands?"

"Yes, like the blind do. You can touch me if you want." Oh how I wish she would, but only if she wanted to.

She bites her lip as she thinks and then ever so slowly, she reaches up and gently caresses my face. Her hands hesitantly skate across my cheeks, up to my brows, across my eyelids, over my nose, and finally down to my lips. They part slightly under her touch, and I have to think hard about keeping my breathing even. Her head is tilted slightly as she traces my lips and feels my tusks.

My tusks are smaller than the males, but they are still almost as long as her fingers. She gets a quizzical look and wonders, "how do orcs kiss with these?" Her eyes get wide as if she hadn't meant to ask that out loud, "I just mean.. all orcs have them. Wouldn't they clash or get stuck together?"

I shrug slightly, "I have not kissed an orc but I have not heard anyone complain about it."

"You haven't kissed anyone?" She asks, surprise clearly in her voice.

"I was waiting for the right person to give myself to," I tell her softly.

She takes a sharp breath, "so you haven't.. done anything?"

"No, does that bother you? That your mate is inexperienced," I ask hesitantly.

She shakes her head, "why would it bother me? I think it's sweet that you chose to wait."

Her words are sweet but I still frown slightly, "I will not know how to please you, and that makes me wish I had fucked someone just for the experience."

She scoots up close so that our faces are only inches apart, "I like that you haven't fucked anyone. Now we can learn together," she says, her warm breath soft on my lips. "Don't move," she orders. I stay frozen as she leans in, her lips hovering over mine until they finally graze me softly. Hers move against mine for second before she pulls back, "you can move your lips Mako, but not your hands."

She leans back down and this time when her lips meet mine, I chase hers hungrily. I feel her smile at my enthusiasm, and even though it was probably the clumsiest kiss of her life, she didn't pull away. She guides my lips with hers, setting a pace that we keep until she finally has to pull away and gasp for breath.
"You're right," she says breathlessly. "I have no complaints about the tusks."

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