7 - Time We Spent Together (I) (✓)

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"Man Chai, how do I look?" I looked at my companion and he gave me a good look from head to toe. He then rubbed his chin before nodding at me, giving me a thumbs up afterwards. "What about my hair? I was planning to just keep it down?" I gave Man Chai an awkward smile. He looked back at me, somehow disgusted with the idea I gave him.

He then started to shake his head in a disagreeing manner.

"Hmmmm you're right. I would definitely look like a girl." I hurriedly rummaged through my things to find a hair tie. Once I found one, I tied my hair in the typical way I would tie it up. Man Chai then looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.

I don't know what came over me but I was able to have enough courage to ask Synthia out on a date. I don't know whether it was too soon or not but all I know is I just had to ask her. She is really sweet and nice. I just had the feeling that she wouldn't turn me down that easily and my intuition was actually right.

And now, I am panicking regarding of how I'd look.

I've never really cared about how I looked my entire life. The only thing that mattered to me before was I should feel comfortable with what I wear and it should not hinder me with my work but as of now, I was really worried whether I look great or look like a beggar. The insecurities that I didn't have before seemed to just pop up like how mint and sweet flowers grow in a grassy plains.

"Man Chai, do I look okay?"

My companion then looked at me and and narrowed his eyes. By the looks of it he seemed already annoyed by how paranoid I was. So, all he did was roll his eyes at me but he still nodded though. I mean, I would have been annoyed too if someone kept asking about how they look.

I just felt nervous, that's why. I have never asked anyone out on a date before so it was a first for me.

It's just, Synthia is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I don't really want to leave a bad impression on her. I want her to have the best time with me.

"Man Chai."

I heard him groan.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so worked up." I sighed. I was so nervous that I could feel my stomach turn. Man Chai then floated towards my direction and rested on top of my head. He started to let out squeaking sounds. Man Chai can't really talk like how a person would but somehow, I did understand what he was trying to say.

Just be yourself.

"Okay. Let's keep our cool." I chuckled nervously before grabbing my satchel that was hanging on the door. "Let's go."

Once I was finished with worrying and panicking, Man Chai and I headed out of our apartment and went straight to Synthia's place.

Her home wasn't that far from mine. It only takes just about 10 minutes of walking before I reach her. Along the way, I grabbed some food from Xinyue Kiosk. Of course, I didn't really want to go and meet Synthia empty handed. It's a need that I have to bring something for her.

At this point, I still didn't know what dish she enjoys but I did buy something that I think she'd like and something that resembles Inazuma dishes. I do know some Inazuman dishes, thanks to Xiangling, a renowned chef in Liyue. She is a good friend of mine so I was able to learn a thing or two about the foods from other nations.

Once I bought what I needed to buy, I immediately headed straight to Synthia's place.

As I approached her home, I could feel my heartbeat race and my stomach turn. I've never felt this nervous my entire life nor have I ever felt shy or flustered. I was known to be the confident one but when it comes to Synthia, things just turn differently for me.

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