Chapter 37- Winner

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I retrieve my phone calling Jayden. "What." He snaps answering . "I suggest you watch how you talk to me". I warn. "Are you with Zaria?"

"No." "Then I don't care. I tried calling her, her phone is off." My heart sinks.

"Where are you?" I question. "Out back. I haven't tried the front yet." "I'll go. Keep looking." I hang up the phone jogging out the side door. I round the corner to the front building, looking through the people gathered.

I notice a girl with familiar looking curls looking around. She turns her head just enough for me to see her face. Zaria. My heart goes back to beating at its regular rhythm, fuck. I quickly make my way over to where she stood.

Before I can reach her, an annoying, familiar voice speaks. "Good fight Dante. You're so strong." She tries- and fails to make her voice sound seductive. "I don't have time for this Natalie" I side step her and she mimics my movement. "It's Natasha, but what are you doing later? Maybe we could go and celebrate.." she reaches out and runs her hand down my arm.

I despise people touching me. Jayden, and Ryan got away with it, and Luca is like me. We don't like to be touched. Her hand made my skin crawl. It wasn't like Ria's it wasn't soft, comforting.

I move my arm out her grasp glancing to where Zaria stood. "I'm busy." I mutter stepping around her. She falls in stride beside me, following me. "Tomorrow?" This girl doesn't give up.

"Never." I stop, turning to her. "Never will I want to fucking celebrate, or see you. You've lied to Ria before, and I don't know why. I don't care why. The truth? You're fucking annoying."

I walk off, leaving her frozen in her spot. Did I hurt her feelings? Maybe. I don't give a fuck. I push through the crowd as I approach her. "Ria." I softly tap her trying my best not to spook her. She still jumps slightly turning to me. "Dante!" She clutches her chest taking a deep breath.

"Why did you walk off?" My voice comes out rougher than I had hoped. "It- it was crowded. I tried to stay with Jayden I really did- but I needed some air." I huff still trying to calm my racing heart. "Don't do that, Zaria. Don't walk off in places like this. Do you understand?"

Her head lowers as she nods. I gently grip her chin lifting her gaze to mine. "Words. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Good."I quickly call Jayden and let him know where we were.

"Zaria!" He shouts running up to us slightly panting. "You- fuck let me catch my breath." He bends over taking deep breaths for a second before standing back to his full height. "You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack."

"I know Jay- and I'm really sorry." "It's ok. Let's just go eat, yeah? Victory meal for our winner over here. You're paying by the way." He pats my shoulder.

"He got lucky." A voice behind us speaks. I turn only to be met with Cutthroat... his face is badly bruised and swollen. "Lucky?" I repeat his words.

"Lucky, Dagger. You got lucky." He glances over my shoulder at Jayden and Zaria. "Don't be such a sore loser." Jayden chuckles. "And cutthroat? Terrible name by the way Chris." He continues. "You wanna get in the ring bitch?" Chris takes a step towards Jayden and surprisingly- Zaria steps in front of him.

"You already got your ass handed to you once, I suggest you call it a night." She gives him a tight lipped smile and Jayden's face is filled with surprise. "What are you? The slut of the week?" He fires back. That pissed me off. Before I could speak- Zaria responded.

"I'm far from a slut, and since you've been a punching bag all night I'll let that comment slide." She crosses her arms staring Chris down. I eye Jayden and notice his cold glare on Chris. "I knew I liked you.. pretty little thing with some guts." Chris attempts to take another step towards Zaria but is quickly shut down when Jayden shoves him back.

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