Chapter 11- Sandwich.

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I wake up to a bunch of noise. The last thing I want after all the shit that happened yesterday is to get woke up by people talking.

I hop up out of bed, slip on my bunny slippers, grab my glasses and head towards my bedroom door. The closer I get, the clearer the voices do.

"Did you see the fight last night man? Holy shit."

"I was too busy banging the chick from the party." Ew.

"You lucky bastard." That's the last I hear as I swing my door open. I scan the room only to see Jayden leaning on the kitchen counter, and Ryan and Dante sitting on the couch. "Do you guys ever shut up? Seriously." I rub my eyes before slipping my glasses on.

"Hey ZZ! Jayden damn near shouts. "Hi Jayden....Not so loud." I cover my ears.

"My bad ZZ, did you get back alright? No trouble?." I glance at Dante who is already looking at me
before I answer. "No trouble, just had to deal with another asshole."

"Um hello, I'm here too." Ryan says while raising his hand. "Yes, hi Ryan. The other loud idiot who comes into someone's dorm this early yelling." I give him a fake smile.

"Early? It's almost 2 pm baby gi- Zaria." He corrects himself. "No it's not- there's no way" I say in disbelief as I look at clock on the wall. 1:55pm. Holy shit. "Oh..."

"So I believe you owe us an apology ZZ."Jayden says while taking a bite of a sandwich. Wait a minute. "Are you eating my sandwich?" "Would your sandwich happen to be the one marked in the fridge...?" "You ate my fucking sandwhich!"

"Language." my eyes shoot to Dante. Bitch. "Says the potty mouth himself." Ryan says. "Wanna say that again?" Dante questions. Ryan just sinks further into the couch.

"You owe me a sandwich." I point a finger at Jayden who takes another bite.
"You owe me from
Last night." Ew he's talking with a mouth full of food. But he makes a valid point.

"Fine, but touch my food again & you're dead." I give him the I've got my eyes on you gesture and he holds his hands up in surrender.

"I'll make it up to you ZZ. Actually what are you up to tonight?" "I don't have anything planned right now... why?" I cross my arms.

"Well, there's a race tonight and your dearest roommate"- he nods his head towards Dante. "Will be racing. You should come." "I-"

"absolutely fucking not." Dante grumbles out. "Oh cmon, why can't she come?" Jayden questions. "Jayden I'm warning you-" he begins." Actually Jayden, I'll be there." I say while looking dead at Dante. Who the fuck does he think he is? Telling me where I can't go? Please. "Great! It starts at 7 make sure you wear red. I'll send you the address."

"But you don't have my number...?" "Oh poor sweet ZZ, I have your number. And before you ask, I have my ways." Jayden says while pulling out his phone and types something. I hear my phone ding in my room so I assume he sent it.

"Just sent it, now we" he motions to Ryan and himself. "Will be leaving, see you later ZZ."

"Bye guys." I offer a slight wave as they head out the door. Once the door is closed the tension in the room grows.

"You aren't going." Seriously who does he think he is?. "And who are you to tell me I can't go? If I want to, I will."

"You can't deal with dudes at a little house party, I seriously doubt you can handle yourself at this race. It's a whole different scenery." Can't handle myself? Oh bitch. "I can handle myself just fine,

I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do. You're not my dad.""Puede que no sea tu padre, pero puedo hacer que me llames papi, Cariña.." He mutters in Spanish."You cussing at me now? Just wait til I learn some Spanish" I snap back.

Translation(Google translate y'all don't jump me) : I may not be your dad, but I can make you call me daddy, baby.

And he laughs. LAUGHS. Am I joke to him?
"I didn't cuss at you, relax." "Dont tell me to relax! I'm going to the race, and if you win or lose I don't really care." "You aren't, but it's cute that you think you have a choice." He says as he crosses his arms.

"If I don't want you at the race, I can make sure you don't get in. Remember that." And with that, he gets up, goes to his room, and closes the door. What an asshole.

I go back in my room & search the location Jayden sent me. It looks... questionable, but I'm going. Maybe I'll invite Carter? Since I did kind of ditch him at the party. I click on his contact and text him.

Me: Hey Carter, sorry about last night a lot happened. Are you free tonight?

Carter: hey it cool no worries and I'm free what's up.

Me: there's a race tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to go?

Carter: are you asking me out on a date? 👀

Me: boy- no. Do you wanna go or not?

Carter: dang you could've gave me a little hope. But yeah I'll go. Me and my friends always go I was going to ask you.

Me: oh wow ok, well we can just meet up there?

Carter: sounds good see you later. 😉
Him and these emojis. My gosh. But it's official, I'm going to that race.

In your stupid face Dante.

Dante doesn't want Zaria at the race.... Why? Find out in the next chapter.

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