Chapter 25

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"I need ground turkey, fruit, eggs, and milk," I mumbled to myself as I looked at the list of things I needed on my phone. I stood in the middle of an aisle with my shopping cart at Publix mentally going through the meals that I know I needed to cook for the week.

Tuesday night, and the store was moderately packed with shoppers. I was just getting off work, and already felt like I was ready to get home. Cook, shower, and relax. Prepare for tomorrow.

It was supposed to storm really bad tonight so I needed to quickly hurry up, because I could already hear the sounds of thunder shake the grocery store.

I pushed the shopping cart, letting my 4 inch heels click as I pushed my hair off my shoulders. I had on a long sleeve dress that hugged my curves perfectly, hitting just below my knees, and a black trench like coat.

Makeup done to perfection, hair hanging down, and I felt like the Barbie doll that was worth a million bucks. As I pushed the shopping cart up, and down the aisle, grabbing what I needed, I caught a few guys glancing my way.

Ughhh. My dating life was non existent at this point. I didn't know too many people here in Atlanta, and the guys that I did seem to attract were definitely not in my league. My ex boyfriend Christian lived up here, but he has no idea I moved here, and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Someone called out as I turned around, seeing an older light skin man eye me hard, licking his lips. "You are so damn beautiful, can I get your name?" "Haley," I smiled sweetly, pushing the cart as he continued to follow me, trying to have a light conversation.

I didn't mind. It allowed me to hurry the hell up, and grab what I needed to go. I could hear the thundering outside rumble the store, as I quickly grabbed last minute things.

I told the man politely I wasn't interested before checking out, and rushing my things to my car. It felt like the rain suddenly wanted to pour down when I stepped outside.

So I quickly bundled up as I opened the trunk, trying to put the 30 something bags in the car. Rain hitting me hard as I rushed to take the cart to the proper holding area, heels steady clicking. Needed to hurry up, and get home.

So of course, it seems like bad luck wanted to play with me. Car wouldn't start for the next 20 minutes. I had to have someone help me jump start it in the parking lot, in the freezing rain. When I did finally get on the road, traffic was everywhere you look. So I decided to take the back roads to my neighborhood.

I was nearly trembling so bad, waiting on this heat to finally kick in, and circulate in the car when I pulled up to my place. I could see Pharaoh was home by the lights being on in his house, and his black fancy Hell cat parked outside. I quickly got out feeling the cold rain hit me hard once again as I rushed to check my mail.

"Lord Jesus!" I let out in a frenzy, wiping my face as I quickly pulled down the hatch, grabbing whatever was in there. A clap of thunder sounded off as streetlights flickered off instantly, causing the streets to be pitch black.

Glancing at Pharaoh's house, I could see the lights were off in his too, meaning the power was out throughout the whole neighborhood.

"Not tonight Lord," I mumbled, closing the box. Not even watching where I was going, or paying attention to how all over the place I was, I dropped my car keys.

"Fuckkkk!" I let out, wiping my face as I bent down to look for my keys. I felt my heart drop in my stomach realizing, I was right next to the drain.

No, no no, please don't let this shit happen to me. I grabbed my phone, turning the flashlight on as I looked around, seeing a shimmer of silver down in the drain. "What the fuck?!" I screamed.

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