Chapter 5

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 "Oh my God this is so crazy," I said to myself, watching the travel channel

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"Oh my God this is so crazy," I said to myself, watching the travel channel. I had the apartment to myself for the first time this semester, and I was loving it. My roommate Ossy wasn't going to be back for a while, and Mari was probably spending the night with some guy after the party.

So I kicked back in my boxers, and t-shirt with my black curly hair blowed out an wavy, falling to my mid back. I wore tube socks with my feet propped up underneath me, eating a bowl of cereal as I watched Andrew Zimmern eat a cow's brain. How insane is that?

I guess I was young, and living in one of the wildest cities in the south. I could have found something better to do with my time besides sit here on the couch watching TV, but this is what made me happy.

I loved to be alone with my thoughts. No one to interrupt me, no one to look at me funny when I spoke, and no one to judge me. I liked quiet, and silence. Best sound there is. Plus? I had a bottle of Absolut with gummy bears in at the bottom, so really?

I was having a blast all by my damn ol self. Looking back at the kitchen, I thought about what I truly wanted to eat. Mia was probably pissed I bailed on her, but I know she was probably having the time of her life right now with whoever she was sleeping around with.

Least she was getting some. Letting out a huge sigh, I got up and threw a jacket on, slipping my glasses on my face. I had a strange feeling Ossy was going to call me up, and tell me to get her, make all kinds of threats if I don't, and then not offer any gas money.

So to avoid all of that, let me just go put some gas and grab something to eat for tomorrow while I'm at it. Mari was going to come in drunk, and high eating all the food in the fridge which was mine, and I just wanted to avoid another pointless argument. She really gets in my nerves.

Grabbing the keys, I stepped out the clean apartment, and headed towards my two door Civic. "Fuck!" I let out, looking down at myself before rolling my eyes. "Of course I would walk out with just my underwear. How did I put my shoes on without look at my bottoms.

Very smart Kelsei, really," tugging my boxers down cause they rolled up like shorts. I was already to the car so I just got inside feeling the cool air surround me, and turned the car on. "Where did I put my hair tie?" I said to myself, looking around in the seats.

I hated my hair down. It was so annoying, all over the place, and constantly in the way, yet I never wanted to cut it. If I ever straightened it out, I know it was probably touching my ass. Had to be. In its natural curly state, it was mid back.

I pulled out the parking space, turning on the radio and just started to for my favorite gas station. Am I the only that has a favorite gas station? Go to the same one all the time? Maybe it's just me.

"Thanks for tuning in to the people's station V 103! We out tonight! Clubroom 14! We wilding out! Pretty Nasty party! All my ladies looking sexy tonight! Who you came here to see baby girl?!"

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