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summary: another part of mini series
triggers: none
request: yes and by Avabgym

•let's get into it•

- is at all of your competitions

- loves to watch the gymnastics Olympics when they happen with you or watches old routines

- brings you flowers

- loves to sit in on practices and will film you

- thinks that the leos are super cute, but also really short

- said that he should do it to so then you guys can spend more time together

- if there is an open gym day he will go with you so he can learn new tumbling tricks

- is always showing you off and jokingly says to you "hey y/n do a flip for my friends!"

- he feels bad when your hands rip even though he can't do anything about it

- will put bio freeze on your back for you

- his favorite even would most definitely be beam, and I'm not sure why

- takes you out to dinner afterwards

- listens to when you rant

- knows all of the gym drama (I've heard some wild things yall)

The end!

a/n: sorry this is a shorter one but I hope you all enjoyed! no more parts today!!

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