Malevolent: 30

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A/N: so this is the last chapter, hopefully it's okay! I just want to thank those who read and encouraged me to keep going with Tex. I really do appreciate it, more than I can say.

The family were in high spirits by the time we returned to the kitchen. Whether Brittany had taken her moment or not, I wasn't sure and didn't dare to linger by the door as I was pushed forwards. I could only hope she had taken the opportunity while the sights weren't on her. They were certain she couldn't get far these days and that was the advantage we had over them. Giving a small growl of protest as I felt his hips press on my back, I shoved an elbow back, a reaction that Tex was used to these days and managed to avoid.

"Don't get me excited now." He warned, his hot breath lingering on my neck, "we still got company." I wrinkled my nose in disgust but as he pushed me forwards, Tinker pulled out a seat from the table next to the sobbing Michelle whose eyes were fixated on her bleeding out companion who was still and gone. Lipstick was marked as a line from her forehead to her chin, a sign of Junior often toying with his female victims. Brittany had been no exception when she first got here. Whether he knew he had applied it wrong, I didn't know and I frankly didn't care to, it was neither here nor there and not my concern. The chances were like everyone else she had days at most and would be joining the other remains in the bog with Alfredo disposing of the unwanted parts. Upon seeing us, she gave a soft moan and I shook my head at her. It had been made clear before and would be repeated again, that help was not coming and definitely not from me.

"We're in this together." I told her dryly, her hope and water filled eyes blinking at the statement. "Until your bitter end." I was envious at the thought of her bowing out sooner than myself. The many efforts to try and go the easy way out had been thwarted multiple times. Time instead passed, names and faces a blur to the point I couldn't remember fully what had happened to get myself here.
"Don't be such a misery." Tex scolded playfully, "we know you like it here. After all, your family now."
"Fuck off." I replied as Mama pressed on her voicebox to reprimand my use of language as Heather giggled and covered her ears. In a warped sort of way it was amusing that a curse word was taken worse than torture and death but nothing about the family made sense. Backwards and backwoods was just about right. Tinker was no angel when it came to curse woods and used them lucidly without any backlash from them.
"Come on, get. 'Less you want Tex to cuff you. " Tink said impatiently indicating where he wanted me to sit as Mama chuckled to herself at the threat and the eagerness her son had in making it happen. His vibrations rippled against me, an unfortunately familiar body part pressing against my buttocks. I sent an elbow back again and missed once more. Being shoved forwards a second time, I walked over and sat before the eldest sibling grew more impatient.

As I lowered myself down I saw Junior's present for myself as he polished and fawned over the golden and chrome covered chainsaw with great affection. Words inscribed to it were that of the family motto 'The Saw is Family." I closed my eyes slowly and inhaled quietly, if ever there was a fitting slogan for them, it was exactly that.
"Well I would but I wouldn't want to get you too excited now, would I sweetheart?"
"Fuck you." Like before, Mama chastised and shooed the young girl out the room expecting more.
"Don't make me wash your mouth out, honey." Tex threatened gleefully. "Not after you sat all nicely for us now."
"That's more like it, looks like someone is finally learning how to cooperate." Tinker praised dramatically and mockingly, clapping his hand and ignoring the outburst. It was patronising which I didn't doubt was how he intended it to be. Against better judgement, I forced a smile at the tanned man. I expected him to flip as a result but he just sniggered to himself, focusing on the pans and handing Tex his floral pink and blood stained apron with his hook. "Or maybe that's asking for too much."
"I think so." Tex chimed, "how's your hand, Mama?" Side eyeing the woman in question, she raised the one she had used to hit me slowly and flexed her fingers with great pleasure.
"Worth the sting." She informed them maliciously and received an audience of laughter from all other family members bar Junior who was much too busy to pay attention and Grandpa who had long since departed the world of the living. His grey and withered face was coated with fresh blood from the mouth down and onto his exposed white shirt from his latest drink. "I'll slap that young lady down as many times as it takes." I bit my tongue and simply stared ahead, placing my hand against my burning cheek. It would be too easy to make a comment on how I seemed to have been upgraded from a 'strumpet' to a lady but these days I had to accept small victories and this for sure was a miniscule one.

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