Malevolent: 20

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If one saying was true, it was this. When one door closes, another one opens.

The opportunity in this circumstance being Junior dragging in a familiar redhead into the kitchen with him. Through his freshly skinned mask which still bled and leaked, he groaned an incomprehensive noise. She in turn just took the seat he pulled out to her opposite to me quietly keeping her head down and not wanting to bring attention to herself. Alfredo had taken the woods to search for the missing woman knowing the location of most traps and Tinker set out on the road. It left Tex leaving out orders, in this case there was not enough ground to check and as he linked Brittany's foot chain to the table leg opposite to mine, he told Junior where to go and what to look for.

They were frantic, concerned that if the girl was to get far that she could alert help, actual assistance unlike the kind that 'Hoyt' could offer. It was amusing, to see the fear written on their faces, the laughter being a mix now of actually meaning to and not. Karma was beautiful sometimes and even if they found her, they deserved to go through this more often. Running a hand through my hair, I shook my head and sat back smiling at Tex who didn't seem to find the funny side.

"Ten minutes, I left you for ten minutes." He breathed irritably. I shrugged in return.
"Hey, I'm the one still here. It wasn't me that ran." I replied hotly, to emphasise it more I lifted my leg so the metal chain rattled as it collided against the legs of the table. "I stayed right here."
"You didn't stop the bitch either." Tex argued fractiously.
"No, I didn't." I agreed simply as he shook his head.
"All you had to do was holler!"
"Noted." I told him dishonestly. Placing his hands against the table top, he drummed his fingers impatiently on the surface watching the window like a hawk in hopes that he would catch the intended victim or there would be some news. Mama was remaining close to the radio waiting for some news that would bring their stress to an end. So far it hadn't come and I was elated. The fact they hadn't found her yet meant there was a chance she had managed to get far or at least remain in a good enough hiding spot until the coast was clear. "Wasn't aware I had to stop her." It was the truth to an extent, they hadn't left me with a job on watch duty. When I had been attached to the table it was to prevent my escape, not the other woman's. My lips twitched into a smile, as I leant my head on my hand.

"Not that you would." He stated, turning around to look at me while folding his arms in agitation. Propping a leg up against the cupboard door he propped himself up. "You are going to be in a world of trouble later, just you wait."I didn't answer, the grin on my face said it all and despite my face stinging I kept it up.

Beside me, Brittany lifted her head slightly to watch me fearfully. She was expecting a reaction as I was a catalyst to the Sawyer's nerves. Truthfully I did also but Mama's threat had mostly left my consciousness, it was a beating I would most likely get and I had received many before. Taking deep breaths, the cowboy turned back around again facing the window before lashing out. Kicking the door of the cupboard he gave a small yell. Brittany flinched violently at the loud bang that resonated from the collision before stomping out the kitchen and calling for his mother to know if there was more news from the police radio. Charlie was also on the hunt.

"Desperate time, desperate measures."

Blissfully, I inhaled and crossed my legs before tilting my head in the direction of the young lady at my side. She didn't look well, it was the only way I could really describe it. There was a gauntness to her face signalling that she had most likely been sick as well as deprived of the sunlight, tired circles formed shadows under her eyes. It seemed more likely than not that the Sawyers' suspicions of her were correct and on that note I remembered the message. The rest was up to her as I couldn't help but doubt that it would be some time before I saw her again. As Tink had so nonchalantly suggested, Junior was nesting and when he did he was a bit more reluctant to leave his shed which meant access to her was limited. "Grandpa's suit." I told her simply as she cautiously glanced up in confusion.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now