Chapter Eleven - Daella

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I feel the dirt under my hands, the tiny rocks biting into my skin and I grit my teeth as he stands over me.

"Again." He calls out and I lower my arms, bending at the elbows, arms shaking as I hold my body taught and push against the earth lifting myself up again.

Push ups, that was what he had called them, they were only one of the many exercises I had endured today and as I blow out a breath trying to move the strand of hair falling over my eyes I rattle off a number of curses in my mind.


I lower my arms again and just as I am about to push myself up my arms give way and I collapse into the dirt.

"You didn't even manage to do ten." He remarks while standing over me, looking down at my pathetic attempts.

"Apologies Your Majesty." I grit out, pushing myself up to my elbows then up to my knees.

I huddle, breathing heavily as I wipe my arm over my forehead trying to get rid of the sweat and dirt before it drips into my eyes. My hair sticks to my skin down my neck and face.

"You're done for today." He says, the disappointment heavy in each word.

"What, no more torture for today?" I ask, not able to stop myself from speaking out loud.

He stops and turns on his heel. I look up at him, too exhausted to try and stand.

"Do you think that's what this is?" He asks.

"It is very close to what I imagine torture would feel like." I answer, my hands pressed against my legs to keep me upright.

He shakes his head smiling up at the sky then turning back to glare down at me.

"I'm not trying to torture you. I'm trying to help you. Quirin said you needed a distraction, that is what I am doing." He says, pointing his finger at the earth to emphasize each word.

"A distraction, yes, he said a distraction might help. He did not however say forcing me to do a series of exercises so gruelling and exhausting that I wouldn't be able to walk after them would be the cure." I reply, still struggling to catch my breath.

His jaw tightens and the veins on the side of his neck bulge, something I am becoming familiar with seeing.

"I'm not going to take you to the kennels to play with puppies or read books with you in the library!" He snaps and I can't help but flinch at the anger in each of his pointed words. "I am doing what I know best, I am doing what my brother's asked me to do the only way I know how. I didn't ask for this. This, like everything else has fallen onto my shoulders and if you want to complain and whinge about it, be my guest, it won't change the fact that I am the only one trying to help you. So if you have a better offer than go ahead, I won't stop you from taking it."

I stare at my knees, taking in a deep breath I force myself to stand, wanting to be on my feet instead of grovelling under him. I struggle to stand, my legs wobble as I straighten but I keep them under me.

"Forgive me Your Majesty, you're right, you did not ask for this." I say pulling back into myself, reeling in all of my emotions, the anger fighting back as I try to keep it at bay. "Is there anything else or am I free to leave?" I ask, keeping my head lowered.

He is the king and I would treat him as such.

I can feel him staring down at me, feel the tension around him as I stand, waiting for his dismissal.

"You're free to go." He says finally and I curtsy and turn on my heel.

He had been right in a sense, he hadn't asked for this responsibility, but then again, neither had I.

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