Chapter Seven - Demwyn

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She had refused me. I should have expected it I suppose but I hadn't.

Maybe I was becoming too used to people just doing what I said.

At first I had just thrown the idea away, if she didn't want my help then she wouldn't have it. I mean I didn't know if it would work anyways, it was an idea, a desperate one at best. But the more I thought of it, the more the image of her sobbing and desperate filled my mind and the memory of her screams followed me throughout the day the less sure I was that I could just let her say no.

I could force her, make it an order, but I knew it would only make things worse between us and even if she showed up every day it wouldn't make her train.

She needed a distraction, a proper distraction, something where she was forced to think differently.

I let out a frustrated growl at myself as I stand in the darkened corridors once again.

Maybe it would be smarter for me to just leave it be.

But if I just leave her to the nightmares it would make me no better than the one that gave them to her.

Even if I didn't know my plan would work, the knowledge of my brothers finding out I did nothing to help her when I could have made me stand here in the dark waiting impatiently as I prowl back and forth.

Screaming starts and instead of waiting for her servants and Quirin I open her door and walk in, closing it quietly behind me.

I immediately see her thrashing in her bed surrounded by low flickering candlelight as the scent of fear hits me, invading every one of my senses. Another scream fills the room as her back arches and I move towards her.

"Daella!" I call out to her hoping it would do something to wake her but she continues to writhe around, body straining under the covers.

I reach out, unsure and desperate I grab her shoulder gently.

"Daella, you need to wake up." I say firmly, shaking her shoulder gently and she stirs, her eyes open wide and I let out a relieved breath that she is awake. Then she sits up suddenly and swings wildly at me, I quickly move back, another wide swing with her tiny fists balled up so tightly I can see the veins on her arms and wrists.

I try again, shaking her shoulder gently. "Daella, are you awake?" I ask, she screams at me, swinging her arms again, fingers out like claws and I move back, dodging her attacks as she scrambles out of bed, backing herself against the wall.

I stand up slowly, watching her warily, her wide vacant eyes stare at me but I know she can't truly see me. She shakes her head back and forth whimpering and mumbling, tears trailing down her cheeks as she is panting desperately.

"Daella I'm not going to hurt you, you need to wake up." I say slowly, hands up in front of me as I take a step towards her.

She reaches around her as she presses against a small table, hands searching frantically without taking her eyes from mine and she latches onto something and throws it.

I quickly duck the crystal vase as it flies over my head and crashes behind me.

"Daella please listen, you need to wake up." I say again taking another cautious step towards her as her hand continues to search for something to grab onto.

I let out a frustrated sigh and close the distance between us taking her arms in my hands I look down at her, dark brown hair wild around her face, cheeks flushed and eyes hollow and vacant.

The door opens suddenly and I turn to see Quirin with the two servants.

"Your Majesty." Quirin says looking from me to Daella who is trembling in my hands, mumbling and sobbing quietly. "What...what are you doing here?" He asks, taking a cautious step towards us and I know I should let her go but I'm afraid if I do she will collapse.

"She was screaming...I can't wake her." I say quietly.

Quirin moves towards us, hands hovering over Daella as the servants hover behind us.

"Daella, can you hear me? You need to wake up." Quirin says quietly.

She blinks, eyes coming into focus she sees Quirin first, her body relaxing in my hold, then she turns and stares at my hands holding her in place, she tilts her head slowly and her eyes find mine.

"You." She whispers then suddenly takes a step back like she is staring at a monster, eyes wide with anger and it mixes with the scent that fills every inch of her room.

I let her go and she stumbles, Quirin and the servants move quickly to steady her.

She stares at me wide eyed, a thousand questions in her terrified expression, her lower lip trembles but I can't make out what she is saying.

"Come on My Lady, let's get you cleaned up." One of the servants says gently as they usher her into the bathing room. Daella doesn't take her eyes from mine until the door closes.

Quirin clears his throat and I start, releasing the breath I hadn't realised I had been holding onto. Lowering my arms to my sides I turn to him feeling like a child about to be scolded.

"Your Majesty," He begins, and I can tell he is choosing his next words carefully. "I'm not sure why you were here before us when your wing is on the opposite side of the castle." He continues. "But as I said before, it is much safer for Daella to be woken by someone she knows and trusts."

"I thought she was awake...but she wasn't." I say quietly, still stuck in the moment she had opened her eyes and stared back at me.

"Yes Your Majesty, she was in essence sleep walking, her eyes are open but she isn't truly there, she is stuck in her nightmares battling against whatever demons surround her." He answers, his voice exhausted and shoulders hunched.

"But you were able to wake her."

"Yes, she is more familiar with my voice so a part of her consciousness recognizes me, depending on how deep she is in her nightmares will vary the time it takes for her to hear me and wake up." He explains.

"And that's all you can do?"

"Yes Your Majesty, as I explained previously, this affliction is unique and I am unfamiliar with Prince Arden's magic. Anytime I have tried to study the nightmares they shove me away, my magic cannot get close enough to make a difference or even examine how they work." He answers.

"I had hoped to try and convince her, to let me help her." I say like it would make some kind of difference and explain why he had found me like he had.

"Well I don't want to put you in your place but coming to her rooms and waking her up was not your best idea. Even after she does wake, it takes some time for her to come back to herself and trying to have a conversation with her would be impossible. Even getting her to answer basic questions is a task." He shakes his head gently as I listen to the noises coming from the bathing room and know I should leave before she gets out.

"Will she remember me being here?" I ask.

"That I cannot say." He answers with a shake of his head.

I only nod, turning towards her bedroom door, I walk past the shattered vase on the ground and leave.

The corridor is long and dark, it feels darker than usual. I had failed. My plan had been a terrible one. I hadn't stopped to think what kind of state she would be in when she woke up.

But how was I going to convince her if she doesn't listen to me?

How would I get her to see that I was trying to help?

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