Forgiveness.... Somewhat.

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A/N; Hi guys I just wanted to apologize for not updating a lot recently. Thank you so much for your comments on the last chapter and I promise to update more often. Love you guys and I can't wait for you to read what happens next! 

When I woke up I shrieked because of how many faces were crowded over me. That seemed to make them all back up and give me space which I was thankful for. I blinked a few times before I sat up slowly to not give myself a head rush. I looked around the room and they were all staring at me with different looks but one.

Bella and Alice with relief, most likely that I was okay. Edward and Mitchell looked neutral, but their eyes gave way that they were glad I was awake too. Carlisle had a small smile on his face while Esme looked like she had tears she wished she could shed. Emmett, the big toddler was bouncing on his feet with the biggest grin on his face. Rosalie refused to look at me which I knew warranted me talking to her, privately later. And Jasper was staring at me with nothing but love.

I wanted to be in charge of the situation and I was gonna make it known. I cleared my throat before I began.

"First, thank you for taking me inside after I collapsed. Secondly, to those of you who know what happened in Italy, I want to be the one who tells the rest of the family. Ed I assume you picked up on that through my thoughts, great. Thirdly, Rosalie, I'd like to talk to you privately please?"

Her head shot up and she nodded barely noticeably. I took my hand out of Jaspers and went onto the balcony and I mentally prepared myself for the talk with Rosalie. I knew it was time to talk when I felt her beside me.

"I want to start Sagelynn. If that's alright with you."

She waited for me to nod before she started.

"I never wanted to leave. I didn't want you to think I abandoned you, that would make me like the rest of the people in your life who left and you didn't deserve that. It was only Jasper and I who wanted to stay to be with you and protect you. I hated Edward even more when he suggested it to Carlisle on top of going no contact. I honestly didn't talk to anyone other than Emmett and Jasper for the whole time. I was beyond worried about you. It killed me to see you suffering because truthfully, Em and I have been in Seattle the whole time to keep tabs on you. And to see you become this secluded shell and then to not see you outside of your house or see into it scared me half to death. That's why I showed up the way I did, I needed to know if you were still alive. Then when I saw the person you are now and you told me it was because of me, Emmett literally had to lock the door because I went psychotic. I guess I just wanted you to hear from me, my side and how this whole thing made me feel. I really am sorry Lynn and I hope one day you can forgive me. I really missed my best friend."

Her confession rattled me because I knew she was being truthful without needing my "special" perfume. I smiled softly before I began talking.

"Thank you for telling me your side of it. I really should have suspected that Edward was the main culprit of all of this and the fact that he was pisses me off even more. I hate that he was able to convince everyone of you, except for you and the cowboy to up and abandon me. I never thought any of you would be cold enough to do that. It killed me, no literally that's why I changed. The Lynnie that you all knew died the day you left. I had to rebuild myself and become reborn into a person who can survive on her own. Honestly Rose, I'm not mad at you, Em or my Cowboy. I am hurt and I don't forgive any of you yet but I don't want any of you out of my life. I don't forgive you now but I missed my best friends and I know I will forgive you all."

Her reaction surprised both her and I as she threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly before pulling away sheepishly. I smiled softly which let her know that it was okay. We stayed outside for a few more minutes before Jasper stuck his head out and asked us if we could come in because he'd had enough of stalling the family. I rolled my eyes before linking arms with Rose and walking back inside where everyone was staring at me expectantly. I wasted no time starting.

"I'm sure you all heard that. But I want to reiterate it. I'm not mad so much as hurt and disappointed. I honestly never thought any of you would ever leave me. I can't believe that you let Edward manipulate and con you into leaving, Carlisle. In that sense you only thought of one son rather than your whole family and I never expected that from you. I will be able to forgive you all at some point but for now it's still too fresh. Anyway moving on to what happened in Italy. To sum it up, I found my Cowboy again, saved Ed and Bella and we found out that Caius and Demitri are both bonded to me, one as my father and the other as my brother. Yep, good ole Lynnie, you're connected to the most powerful vampires in all creation. Life's never boring with me around huh?"

Carlisle proceeded to apologize to everyone for his shallow thinking before reprimanding Edward and Bella. I broke that up by awkwardly asking for a family group hug which made everyone laugh and hug, the tension seemingly broken and I felt that life would finally, if I was lucky, be going in my favor. I locked eyes with Jasper and blushed, for once in a long ass time feeling at peace. That was until Mr. Broody pants spoke up.

"Oh and one more thing, Lynn. Aro wants you and your powers."

Damn life you really do have it out for me

and with that we reached the end of New Moon... Eclipse is about to be dramatic!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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