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Bella and I knew we'd have to get away from Mitchell and Alice somehow. We both dreaded the outcome from our mates. More so, I was scared of Jasper's reaction as well as Rose and Emmett's. We had to act fast. I looked to my ghosts for help and suddenly it all fell into place.

"Okay girls, we're leaving the hotel now. Mitchell and I are going down to check us all out then we're leaving."

I looked at Bella with wide eyes and we both had the same idea. We'd make a break for it and go to the ballet studio to rescue Renee. I sent a silent apology to Jasper as we snuck away from the two vampires and out into a cab. Bella gave the man the address before she sunk into me and I hugged her tightly. I would do my best to protect her even if it meant I got hurt.

When we got to the ballet studio we jumped out of the car and ran inside. We heard Renee's frantic screaming for Bella and we soon discovered the real source of her yelling, a tv screen showing an old video. We both spun around when we heard slow clapping. Sure enough in front of us was that stupid vampire. I growled angrily and stood protectively in front of Bella.

"Well I have to say, I'm impressed at how easy it was for the two of you to come here and escape those human huggers to face your own deaths. Oh and Bella, I hope you don't mind, I'm gonna make a video with your video camera, a nice memento for both of your mates."

Bella lashed out before I could stop her and she pepper sprayed him which made him even madder and he threw me into a glass mirror. I winced in pain as I felt the shards pierce my skin. I tried to stand up and it was hard until I heard a snap followed by Bella scream. Then I bolted to her, dripping blood or not I was gonna save her or die trying.

I jumped on his back with my belt that I took off and started to yank on his head with it. This did what I'd hoped and took his attention off of Bella and onto me. I managed to hold him back for a few minutes before he pinned me to the wall and threw himself backwards to knock me off my game. Sadly it worked. He flung me off and stalked towards Bella. I was conscious enough to hear her scream but then I blacked out.

When I came to, I was in a hospital room and that scared me and brought back trauma from when I was a little kid so I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was thankful when Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie fell into the room and ran over to my bed.  The lot of them going on about how worried they were and how happy they were to see me wake up. Emmett softly ruffled my hair before Rosalie squeezed my hand comfortingly all before Jasper approached me and kissed my forehead before he began to talk.

"Darlin, shh calm down. I know you hate hospitals, but there's no meds like the ones from Dr. Pascow here. I promise you, you're safe. He's dead, baby. We got him. I'm so so sorry you got hurt. I should have been there to protect you. But god are you stupid for leaving Alice and Mitchell who were supposed to prevent situations like this!"

Emmett cleared his throat to try and ease the tension. I refused to look at them, I couldn't. I knew they were all super worried about me. I knew what I'd done was reckless but I promised Edward I'd protect her even if it meant I died. I winced when I heard Leo's voice agree with Jasper.

Suddenly the door flew open and I shot my head up to see Edward. That set my heart off. I knew he'd want to talk about what happened. He looked at Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie before his eyes finally landed on me.

"Jasper. I need to talk to Lynn. Can the three of you please leave so I can?"

There was clear hesitation from the three of them before I nodded my head reluctantly. The three of them all left the room not before promising me they'd be right back when Edward was done talking to me. I nodded shakily and closed my eyes trying to ease my breathing.

"Lynn. What the hell! I know I told you to protect Bella no matter what the cost but I meant being smart and telling Alice or Mitchell about any stupid ideas! You did the exact opposite, you encouraged her stupidity and nearly got both of you killed! I don't understand you. You promise to protect her yet you both end up in the face of death. Did those pills you were on mess your head up that much!?"

He stopped when he heard my sob and I could tell by the look on his face he regretted it. Though there wasn't enough time for me to say anything before Jasper ripped the door open and had him pinned against the wall, teeth bared angrily.

"So it was your stupid idea to make her promise to protect Bella even if she died?! Do you really have such a hatred for me being happy that you'd do this to put her at risk! What kind of a brother are you?"

Jasper needed to be pulled back by Emmett and Carlisle while Edward crumpled to the floor. His eyes were closed and his eyebrows pulled together and it was then that I felt bad for him having to constantly hear everyone's thoughts. He looked up at me with a sliver of a smile before getting up and walking out of the room. Before I could say anything my cowboy spoke up.

"I'm not mad at you Sage. I was just worried. I'm happy you defended Bella, but the next time you do, please wait till you can defend the two of you. I know this is a bad time to confess this but I love you. I'm gonna come sit beside you because Carlisle has some news for you."

I nodded with a deep blush and mumbled a quiet I love you too before I turned my attention to Carlisle who looked seriously uncomfortable. I wanted to try to lighten the mood so I cracked a joke.

"Come on Doc, you look like someone died."

If only I would have known.

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