time to go home

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I wake up to my annoying alarm going off and groan. I roll over and turn it off, muttering about how early it is. Some days, I get so tired of waking this early for work just to go to work again after this work. I sigh and hop up to go shower.
Once I'm in the shower, my mind starts wandering. I can not believe what I saw last night. I mean, I have to believe it due to the fact that I saw freaking fangs retract from Luke's gums, and logans eyes change color. But holy shit it's hard to wrap my mind around. I wonder if there are other types of shifters like tigers or something. I'd like to say that's ridiculous, but being a vampire or werewolf is ridiculous.
Once im showered and dressed, I grab a banana for breakfast and head to my car. I turn the key over, but nothing happens. Oh no, not today. I try again, but all that comes on is the lights on the dash. "Shit," I slam my hand on the steering wheel. I pop the hood open so I can look and hopefully see it's something I can fix. Looks like the battery terminals are a little looses so I tighten them as much as I can and hop back in to try again. Nothing.
With a dramatic sigh I get out of my car and start walking I send a text to Mona letting her know I'll have to walk but she doesn't answer I'm sure busy setting things up in the shop.
I make it a block down the street when I feel like im being watched, but the feeling isn't the same as when I'm watched by Damion. It's strange how I can tell the difference from his gaze to someone else's. I turn and look behind me, but see nothing. I put my head down and hurry down the road, almost in a light jog. "Where you going so fast, little girl?" I hear a scratchy voice say just as I feel my arm being grabbed harshly. I whip around and try to pull my arm away from this scary looking man. His eyes are bloodshot and dilated he's for sure on something. I start pulling and thrashing, trying to get out of his grip, but it was no use he was too strong. "Please let me go. I just want to get to work. Please, " I beg him, and he just laughs at me. "You won't be going anywhere, little girl, not til we have some fun." I start to panic as I dart my eyes all around, looking for someone to help me. There is no one it's 330 in the morning. I'm completely screwed.

He starts dragging me into an alley me yanking on my arm the whole time. "Please let me go." he laughs harder while pulling me into the alley. Further, I scream and beg for help, hoping someone, anyone, will help me. He slaps me across the face. Hard. "shut up bitch and take it like the slut I'm sure you are" im crying big fat tears and my whole body is shaking. He slams me on the ground and stands over me malice lining his features. He starts unbuckling his belt as he starts to bend down to me. "Now lay still and take it like a good girl" im crying so hard everything looks blurry. I just lay there hoping someone will come along and stop this. There's nothing I can do he's too strong for me to escape. Just as he's about the pull my pants down he's ripped away from me. I look up with blurry eyes trying to make out who my savior is. "Melody are you OK sweetheart? Talk to me" Logan it's Logan. "Logan?" He squats down and puts his palm to my face "yea baby it's me are you OK?" I nod my head slowly then hear screams coming from down the alley I sit up and look behind Logan I see luke and damion holding the man by each arm and they're tearing him apart like literally tearing him to pieces. I scream which makes Damion stop and look at me. "I told you I would take care of you my love" he says softly. I wipe the tears from my eyes to get a better look at his face his eyes seem to be glowing around their black irises and he has blood dripping from his chin down the front of his shirt. I'm so shocked about everything that just happened im not sure if I should be happy they saved me or terrified of what they did to the man that attacked me.

Logan starts to run his hand up and down my back whispering reassurances into my ear. My body is still shaking and I can't seem to get any words out. Damion walks over to Me leaving luke behind to take care of the body they just ripped apart. I see luke dragging the leftover body parts out of my view. "Look at me my love. He deserved everything we did to him anyone that hurts you will pay for it with their life do you understand me?" I still can't speak so i just nod my head I do understand him protecting me but did they really have to rip him apart? "Of course we did little bird he deserved worse" I whip my head to luke. Did he just read my mind? "YES little bird I did. One of the benefits of being a vampire" he smirks at me.
I stand from the ground and dust myself off I look at my watch and see its 350 I'll never make it in time. " I have to go im going to be late for work" I say on a panicked voice I'm looking between all three men frantically trying to find an exit route so I can get to work. I start to walk out of the alley but am stoped by Logan "you don't need to go to work today sweetheart you've just been through something very traumatic " he says with concern on his face. I scoff at him and get angry "which incident are you talking about Logan? The one where I was almosted raped or the one where those two ripped that man to pieces?" I spit at him. He takes a step back looking hurt by my attitude I can't seem to care right now. "I know you're upset right now love but you need to take it slow the adrenaline will wear off soon" Logan tells me softly just then my phone rings and I jump about a foot in the air. It's Mona probably pissed I'm not there yet. "Hello?" I'm greeted by a moment of silence " melody are you alright? You're late and you sound weird" I can't seem to answer her about why I'm late my mind runs a million miles and I start tearing up again Logan slowly takes the phone from my hand and I let him "ms Mona? This is melody friend Logan im afraid she won't be able to come in today she was just attacked on her way to work" he pauses im sure listening to monas reply "yes shes ok just a little shaken up i found her just in time. Yes, of course I will. Thank you for understanding. im sure she'll be fine soon, " then he hangs up and hands me my phone back. I'm watching Damion carefully, but I am still unsure how to feel about what I saw him do. He approaches me slowly like im a wild animal ready to attack. "Come my love, let's go home," he says softly. I nod and walk with them to logans car silently.

Black RosesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora