my love my obsession

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i shouldn't have left a note like that for her, especially this soon. But I just couldn't help it it hurt that she was afraid of me. I'm not sure if my note helped or hurt the situation. I have to have her she's MINE. That stupid Logan sniffing around her is really starting to piss me off. I know she is absolutely gorgeous and smells so delectable but like I said she is mine! I will have her soon, very soon then I will explain everything to her she will understand eventually she has to. Besides it's not like I'm going to let her go.
I start the journey back to my house not wanting to leave her out of my sight but I need to make sure everything is ready for her once I bring her home. I walk in my front door and am immediately greeted by my personal assistant Sarah. I hired Sarah because not only is she more than qualified and goes above and beyond, but she is married,to a woman. There for I don't have to worry about unwanted advances, some of these women are completely shameless when it comes to getting my attention. They will never get my attention because they are not her. "Good evening sir. I just wanted to inform you that I have personally overseen the finishing touches on misses room. It should be up to your standards now that I stepped in" I nod but raise an eyebrow at her. "That may be but will it be up to her standards sarah?" Her eyes widen slightly then she schools her face. "Of course sir she will love it! Trust me I know women and from what all you've told me of her and her interests it should be her dream room" she has stars in her eyes as she says the last part I know she has waited for me to have my love hoping that my tough demeanor will lessen and it probably will. "Thank you Sarah " I say as I head up to check out my loves room.
I open the door to her room and scan around. Sarah was right it is perfect. There's a queen size bed with tons of soft pillows and blankets. My love needs her blankets she has several fuzzy ones and some fluffy looking comforters. There is pink and black everywhere which is her two favorite colors. I find it very amusing that her favorite colors are complete opposite of each other, they do look good together maybe that's why she likes them. I open the closet and see all of the clothes I asked for and see them all organized by style and color. "Good, my love will be ecstatic" I open her drawers and see all of the pajamas and underwear neatly folded and organized. This is why Sarah gets paid so well I know this was her she wants everything to be perfect for my love and she is a little ocd. I go to sit on the bed running my hand over the soft covers. "Soon my love you will be here in my arms" I whisper to myself and sigh. "Soon"


My alarm sounds loudly and I slam my hand down on it to stop the noise. It's 3 am and I need to get up to get ready for my job at the bakery. I only slept a total of two hours last night I couldn't stop thinking about the man watching me every noise I heard every shadow in my room put me on edge. I have a strange feeling he doesn't want ti harm me but he's creepy if he wanted to ask me out he should have just done that instead of basically stalking me. He all but admitted that was what he was doing in his note. I sigh and drag myself out of bed and towards the shower. "Ugh today is going to suck" I whine at myself. Not that every other day doesn't suck as well. Sometimes I wish I had someone to take care of me so I ididnt have this burden of keeping up with everything and running myself ragged. It will be better one day. I will eventually make something of myself and not have to worry about 2 jobs and needing sleep constantly.
Once I'm showered and ready to go I grab my keys and head out I'm running a little behind due to me taking longer to wake up in the shower. I go to crank my car and she barely turns over. "Come on baby I know your cold but you can do this" I plead with my car. I try to crank her up again and she starts "yes! Thank you Harriet you're a life saver" I praise my car. Maybe I'm a little nutty talking to my car but it always seems to work. Plus alot of people name their cars.
I pull out of the parking lot but notice someone pull out behind me. A black car with tinted windows. Where did they come from? No one ever leaves the apartment complex this early.
I get a anxious feeling in my gut when the car keeps following me turn by turn. I finally decide to take a different route to work than my usual just to see if they follow me on a back road. I make the turn and the car following keeps going. I let out a whoosh of air and shake my head at myself I'm just being paranoid I've got to get it together. I pull up to my work and run inside knowing I'm already late. "You're 5 minutes late" Mona tells me like I didn't already know. "Sorry won't happen again" I tell her politely and smile she gives a small smile back. The thing a out Mona is she acts tough and demanding but she's secretly a sweetheart. She can't help but soften and smile when I smile at her.
She shakes her head wiping the smile off her face. "Good. Now get to work we have a huge order for a sweet 16. The cake I've been working on all week has to be finished and I need you to make 50 mini cakes for her guests" I nod but wonder why she would want such a huge cake but give her guests their own tiny one. Why not just eat the big cake? Rich people. I shake my head and get to work. This is going to be a long day.

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