The Mysterious Male: Part One

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                 Liangyu was finally in the Noxis City after 4 and a half days of constant traveling. She had yet to awaken as she was brought into the decadent castle at the center of the City. Litia was called upon to treat her as Lei had Kaira wait on her.
Empyreon was turned into her personal heater and both Lin and Virgil, who had recovered from the pain shared through the Mate Mark, would visit her at every chance they got.

Mae and Stella would at times guard her as she was tucked away in the inner catacombs of the great and majestic palace.

A week passed and Litia deduced that Liangyu might be hibernating.

".... What?"

Virgil asked as his beautiful features contorted. Lin also had a complicated look on his face as he too was shocked. Lei and Empyreon understood why she'd hibernate but as soon as she gave birth? That was strange.
They all didn't seem convinced and decided to wait a little while and see.
After a month and a half...... They had long come to the conclusion that she's really hibernating.

Her mates decided to accept it and take week-long turns of sleeping in her bed. Virgil revelled in embracing his mate, it had been long since he held her and he loved every single second or it. Her scent calmed him down.
Lin was actually afraid to touch her. Being away from her had made him feel like he'd never return to her. Now that she was so close to him, he was terrified she'd vanish. He was scared for 2 nights then embraced her and cuddled, only separating for bathroom breaks and food.
Lei like her cold temperature against his. He was happy cuddling her. It was winter yes but he enjoyed her coldness.... It was pretty weird to enjoy her coldness and not seek warmth. But, looking at her sleeping face, she looked like a star in the cold night sky. Simply stunning.


As the Qins lazily watched over the City, conflicts were non-existent, no one starved, facilities ran smoothly and they stealthily prepared for war at the start of the new season. They had strategically devised a plan for an ultimate defeat.

              On the entire Beast Continent, The City Of Beasts was the strongest and most long lived. Housing up to 1.6 million Beasts of diverse races, it served at the epitome of business opportunities, and mating opportunities. After it came the City and Flames which housed the infamous Scorpion Race, rootless and feral males. This was an arena where one's strength meant everything. Resources could only be obtained if one was strong enough and made it a harsh place for business to thrive. However, it was worth noting that the chances of a male getting laid was higher just that he won't get to keep the female if he doesn't fight for it. Their population count is unknown.

And lastly.... The City Of The Fallen..... This City is ruled by the Serpentine Royalty was just known about after questioning Kaira and visiting the place. It was a grand city populated by ferals and occasionally beastmen, most of which were merchants. Most beastmen don't know it exists because of it's low-key Royals. It is densely populated with around 4.6 million living in it. It has a tight security network and rigorously trained guards who monitor and ensure peace in the city.
With Kaira on their side, they had gained to City Of The Fallen's support and with Mitchell and St. Zachary cooperating with them, the City of Flames would support as well. They had sent additional troops to Blackwood Tribe to ensure no chances were taken.

They were all ready and set, they just needed Liangyu to wake up.....

Meanwhile, Litia doesn't give up on her beloved Parker. She has, however, concluded that Parker may not like her the same way and has accepted that. Hence, she instead cheers him on and advices him on things that may make Bai Qinqing's heart sway and love him. Today was one such day as she sat in a simple furnished room on the top floor when Parker dragged himself in, all bloody. Litia was scared to death as she began treatment immediate but paused when she saw the poor boy's soulless eyes. It was clear he had decided to end his life if the female of his choice didn't want him. He felt useless as she prefers a feral of him, an outstanding beastman and heir to the Leopard Throne....

Litia looked at him, horrified at his state and decided to go on with the treatment.

'..... Maybe one day you'll thank me.....'

She hurried as Parker saw something or someone like a goddess peering down at him,caring for and nurturing him with diligence. His goddess had sun kissed tan skin, clear forest green eyes, long black messy hair and a long strange hide skin baggy dress with sleeves.
Parker thought she was pretty then thought of Qinqing and winced.


They voice shouted in concern and worry as well as fear. Parker looked at the female then into those pure eyes of hers and was stunned by their beauty. He stared at her as light returned to his eyes and he mutters,

"....... Mate?"

Litia blinks and tries to comprehend what she just heard.

".... What?"

Parker, realizing what just came out of his mouth, sat up in embarrassment but laid back down almost immediately.... Back into the laps of a goddess.
Parker was crimson red at this point while Litia was a bit confused by his sudden change. She, however, sighed then continued treatment but with a light warm smile on her face which made Parker's heart skip a beat each time.

....................A week later.....................

Inside the hidden chambers where Liangyu slept and this time alone. The other males had gone to conduct business and had left Empyreon to watch the place. Virgil had also let the Fox male guard her as he had earned the right to
The male stood outside the door, occasionally shifting from his left and right foot as his heart beat quickly. He looked as nervous as a cub trying to hunt for the first time and Empyreon enjoyed every second of it all.

Suddenly, the Phoenix had an idea.

".......... Hey,"

He called out. The male looked at him, puzzled.

"Why don't you go in and, you know, check up on her...."

The male's eyes widened and he immediately said,

"No! Virgil said not to ente-"

"Screw him!"

The male was taken aback. Empyreon slang his arm around him and said in a low tone,

"You've been here for so long and you still wanna wait? Come on!"

The male looked unsure. Empyreon watched him then said slyly,

"Ok, how about just for a minute?"

The male was tempted and went along with it  after he was persuaded a few more times.

He pushed the grandiose door which creaked open and went in, Empyreon closing it behind him with a grin......

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