Pregnant?!: Part One

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         Slowly and steadily, Liangyu and Rin along with the entire army arrived at the Peacock village. They looked upon their new conquest in awe as they all marveled at the towering monster of a tree that the Peacocks called home. With it's size alone, if anyone saw it, they'd think it was the world tree, Yggdrasil and Liangyu gazed at it in awe of all it's majesty and took a fee moments to appreciate the wonders of nature.
Meanwhile, to the Peacocks, they saw a huge cloud of black monstrous looking beast headed towards them. They started to panic as males hid their females and cubs while they prepared to defend with their bodies.

The chief of the village, a beast named Nicholas, was very grim. In their village, aside from him and his double striped son, no one was as strong. He cursed as he thought of every way possible to keep the village alove with as litte casualties as possible.
However, nothing would work except to sacrifice himself. Thus he was willing to for the sake of his mate.
Meanwhile, Liangyu was actually thinking of taking the village but not with violence this time. She deduced that if they were to get physical, the tree wouldn't survive which would be a real shame. Also, just that morning she received a [Mission] which tasked her to rest and take it easy for 4 months. The reward was generous so she was actually happy to do the task and planned to turn the Peacock Tree into her hideout.

The huge Bat army arrived outside the village as Rin let out a menacing and ear piercing screech which left the Peacocks tensed.

"Bring out your leader! I want to see him!!"

She shouted full of dominance but winced as she felt a slight pain in her stomach. She kept her hand over it and rubbed her belly but dismissed it as an upset stomach. She gazed upon the tree as 5 huge gorgeous Peacocks led by an even more extravagant and massive azure green Peacock flew out of the tree and flew to confront the invaders.
Both parties sized each other up then as if agreeing to negotiation, descended towards the ground.

Liangyu got off Rin as she promptly morphed back to her bipedal form and put on clothes, much to the Peacocks' astonishment. They too transformed as and put on their clothes and Liangyu was dazzled by the beauty of the beastmen. Each one looked to be more handsome than even greek gods themselves! The one characteristic that caught her eye was that apart from the Tetra Marked leader and what looked to be his son, the rest were extremely weak. This made Liangyu grin evilly inside as she looked at them with predatory eyes. They felt chills as her gaze landed on them as they all gulped.

           Rin appeared behind her with a white fur coat and draped it on her shoulders as she scanned her Mother out of worry that she was stressing herself. Alpha-06 had informed the sisters about her condition and were heavily against her leaving the city even an inch. But she was stubborn so she came out. Komodo Dragon gestation period is about 7-8 months for males and an odd 11 months for females and she was already 2 months into the pregnancy.
Basically, the woman was pregnant but didn't know it. The males were stunned at the beauty of the females before them as well as terrified of the army who looked ready to tear do flesh into shreds.

After some time, the leader, Nicholas, stepped forward.

"...... Female........ What is the reason for your blatant ambush on our village?"

Liangyu's eyebrows rose and she nodded. She thought all the Peacocks were as stupid as Alva but this one proved her wrong.

"I like this forest and I want that tree so I came to take what I want..... With or without permission of course......"

Nicholas gulped as he thought about his next words carefully.

"..... I can decide not to kill off your whole village if I have a pledge worth my time that is...."

Nicholas blinked then gritted his teeth. What she wanted was to give out someone from their village as a ransom for their lives. He, although a Tetra Marked beast, couldn't defend them all. He trembled in anger but gave up.

"That pledge shall be your first son and I shall be staying here for a looooong time so be prepared....."

She added with a grin when he flinched and his face paled. A Double Striped Peacock standing behind him flinch and looked ready to oppose but Nicholas beat him to it.

"How dare you demand such from me?!"

Liangyu was shocked a little at the outburst. She had always dominated so for the opponent to oppose her wishes was new. She scowled in displeasure and said in a deep an menacing voice which made fear grip everyone present's heart as they subconsciously shuddered.



They all went to their knees, including the Bat army, except for Rin who managed to stay standing. Nicholas fought to stay upright but found himself bowing to her. He looked up and his salva was held in his throat as beads of sweat ran down his body. It was then he realized that he had caused a pending destruction on his village. He couldn't break his gaze as her eyes which glowed dangerously seemed to stare right into their souls. Fear lik none other coursed through him and just as he thought he was going to perish, Liangyu suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed.


Rin caught her as the Beast Pressure faded off and the Bat army, sensing the situation, rushed in and covered her. Nicholas was stunned but then hurried back to his feet as they backed away and retreated to evacuate the village.
Rin held the limp body of Liangyu and anger like none other washed over her.

"...... Capture each and every one them!"

Rin hissed with venom dripping from her voice as the Bat army launched its attack on the village. The battle begun......


              Alpha-06 was taking a leisurely stroll through Flame City. Amid the screams of pain by females being raped and tortured as well as males taking what would be their last breath, he seemed to be enjoying himself but frowned a bit. The stench of sex and blood were thick here and he was grateful for deciding not to bring Liangyu here. She might not have been able to bear the level of assault on her olfactory senses.
Liangyu may be the very definition of Superman but even she had her own Kryptonite. He worried about her and the baby but reasoned that she was in the capable hands of Rin. He looked around and spotted the huge castle in the distance.

'According to what I know, that castle on the surface is a mere distraction. The real castle is below the surface and it makes it an inverted castle...... For beastmen depicted as irrational savages, they know how to plan......"

With that, headed towards the castle.......


Am back from schoolヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿!!! With more chapters for u guys!
I know I left unannounced but arigato for waiting! Ain't no writer's block fitna catch me!
*Laughing like a goat*

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