part 91

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Yn is looking at the screen where she herself is crying hard while begging those fuckers to leave her , taehyung immediately take action and he was about to go near her but suga held his hand and said

Suga- let her handle it taehyung, her that last 1 percent of fear will go away

Taehyung - but hyung how can I stand here calmly when my w-ife is suffering all this alone

Suga- don't worry I know my sister and I know she can fight with them

Everyone is making video of the scene which is just a way of entertainment to them ,some girls are ashamed of this lowest act by others and some gentleman's are looking down while feeling sad for yn

Taehyung ordered other's to stop that video but those computers were hacked,still taehyung's staff handled it and shut the video

Yn stayed like that for a while and then she held the mic tightly and looked at the crowd

Yn- it's the truth ,that 16 year old girl is me, I got raped when I used to ballet, i never really want to tell this to anyone ,cause it still pains me ,it is interesting right I know and the story behind this is also interesting ,you guys can record it too (saying being broken)
And if you guys get to know who is behind this then you guys will be shocked and it will be interesting too

Whole crowd got silent and they all sat on ground while looking at her ,like they are ready to hear her pain ,which she bottled up

Yn- I was doing practice for the biggest competition of ballet ,the very next day i have to compete with others and due to which I thought to practice hard ,I called appa so that he can come and pick me up ,but he didn't came cause he met an accident and he got admit in hospital ,this was all planned by s-ome ,well drop it , I don't know who posted this or who have intentions to Viral this reel ,all i want to say is thankyou for uploading this video ,I always wants those fuckers to suffer for what they did but I never had proofs against them and that's why I couldn't do anything but today I got them too and this are enough to make them suffer till their last breath , thankyou so much ,i also want to tell the real villain behind this my uncle

The whole crowd went silent after a shocking sound

Yn- that person and his daughter ,my appa's sister ,everyone , I don't know how but they hate me from the start
And today too maybe they thought by showing this video to everyone ,i will cry and beg and then again I will hide from this world ,but they are wrong,why the hell will iam gonna hide when they are the one who acted despicably ,I didn't ,they are the one who raped me ,who unpure me ,they are the one who ruined my dignity ,they are the one who ruined everything ,they are the one who destroyed my dreams ,they are one who made me feel disgusting , I don't know why they thought by posting this video they can hurt me ,ask to me who faced it ,i was hurt enough when I got raped ,when I was begging them to leave me but they were eating me like animal , when they inserted something's inside me and I was unaware what it is ,I was unaware what they are doing ,all i know is that was hurting me ,I was in pain

And now they are thinking that it will effect me ,iam so sorry to disappoint you guys ,but now I won't react the way you want ,iam so sorry cause iam already healed ,i already spend so many years with that pain ,i suffered,cried at night ,laughed like a psycho,stayed awake at night ,hugged the pain and grow with it ,yes I suffered to live and if they are expecting that now I will hide myself or I will suicide ,no iam sorry I will never do that shameful thing ,cause i already and proudly passed the era in which people hanged on fans ,so you have to be fully destroyed to just destroy one percent of me

That's all I wanna say ,if you guys are eager to see that full video or eager to show it to others then you can ,i don't care go ahead ,i won't stop you but if you guys even respect me a bit ,then I want justice,I want all of them in prison ,hyrie and her dear father ,her aunt everyone ,cause i suffered enough ,that time no one helped me even the cops didn't ,but this time I want help from you guys ,please give justice to me I want to live happily thankyou so much

But in this things i forgot to tell you guys that I have already found the love of my life ,who is with me even by knowing my past ,he saw my worst side but that time too his words were "iam here ,no one can hurt you"  " I won't leave you no matter what ". Everything will be fine iam here , that's how he healed me and i can proudly call him my husband ,my hubby ,beyond the difference , beyond the standards everything ,he was always there with me and all i want to say is thankyou ,he is still standing here ready to help me ,ready to take me away from this world ,ready to help me escaping this world ,I love you hubby

The crowd is crying cause they are understanding her feelings ,not everyone but some of them are

Taehyung freed his hand from suga and run to her ,yn  looked at him and they both hugged eachother

crowd  gasped when they saw that the one who is her husband is "  mr Kim taehyung"

See you guys in next part

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