part 75

464 31 3

Grand pa- yeah yeah

Yn- *chuckles* such a grumpy lady

Grand ma- eat your dinner

Yn- why are you getting angry *looking at her with  teasing gaze*

Grand ma-  no iam not *like a kid*

Yn- sure sure *chuckles*

After a while grand ma and yn went near a door and grand ma told her that the dress is inside  this room as she never opened this room cause for her ,that dress only belongs to han shuqi

Yn nods at her and smiles respecting the emotions grandma have towards han shuqi

Grand ma-  that girl was just like you ,she have a spark in her eyes ,a spark of  achieving something ,her face always shines and when she walked on her first ramp,  ,she always used to talk with me like a kid ,she always came and says granny i finally join a company  , finally i can achieve my dream and i will finally become a model
*smiles while remembering han shuqi's words and her smile*

Yn- she indeed shines brightly ,i saw her walk ,she got lots of skills and to share a secret grandma, she inspired me alot

Grand ma- *smiles* she is a bright star in this dark industry ,yn protect yourself well ,please protect your kindness and your this personality ,this industry either create someone or will destroy someone
           Han shuqi is a living example of it ,they ruined her ,they ruined the innocent soul ,they made her do suicide

They plotted against her and they blackmailed her ,i had some recordings of the lonely nights where she cried while talking to me on the phone ,she always cried on phone while telling me ,how others bullied her on work place and how that hang jae tried to molest her and try to misbehave with her ,she always used to cry and the very next day she shined brighter on her ramp stage ,she never let those things effecting her performance ,just in few fashion shows,she shines brighter and people around her starts adoring her ,but not the company ,that company always bullied her and specially that hang jae and now that they are trying to put a memorial ,i respect it cause it's not organised by that company but iam still sad cause that hang jae will be there too , I don't want another girl to be han shuqi and that's why iam not allowing anyone to wore that dress

Cause i saw all the girls who came here to ask for that dress,those girls are either too naive or either too clever ,some are here for fame and name or either money , some are genuine but they were looking so fragile that I can't push them on the puddle and then you came i cam see the same potential on you too yn and i can see why you came here ,you want to full fil han shuqi's last wish but yn I can't see you suffering from the same pain which my han shuqi endured and more over I don't want you to came in eyes of that hang jae

Yn just go back and forget about it ,i won't change my decision

Yn- grand ma i respect the fact that you don't won't other's to end up like han shuqi ,but by not allowing others to use to this ,you can't stop the crime and thr torture many model's go through,you are just making han shuqi's soul suffer

Trust me grand ma this won't stop the crimes and this won't help you in punishing that company and hang jae who tortured han shuqi , you have to take actions grand ma ,this won't be helping

Grand ma-then what should i do yn ,do i have to made another soul suffer for my han shuqi's justice

Yn- no one will suffer grand ma ,i just want you to allow me to wore that dress and as the company asked me to do a little special act of han shuqi mam ,they said my personality and body match's han shuqi mam ,so they want me to do a act as her memorial and now i will help you to reveal the whole truth infront of this world

Grand ma- bu-

Yn- nothing will happen to me , don't worry i will  handle everything

Grand ma- but promise me that you won't get hurt I don't want  another suici-

Yn- *chuckles* grand ma, I won't suicide iam someone who will make other's beg me to kill them ,you know iam quite stubborn and baddass type

Grand ma-*chuckles* okay okay my baddass girl

Yn- yes my grumpy grand ma

Grand ma-yahhh iam not grumpy

Yn- *chuckles* okay okay now show me that beautiful dress

Grand ma- yeah but first let me find the key ,where did i put it , I don't even remember

Yn- whattttt you don't even have a key

Grand ma- i put it somewhere *starts looking at a box*

Yn- and you were showing your grumpiness and now allowing me to see the dress, when even you can't see it

Grand ma- shut up you Little lady and help me in finding the key

Yn- what do i have to help you

Grand ma-yes not everything is for free

Yn- yeah now i know ,you put that key somewhere and now you can't find it even when you want to enter that room and that's why you agreed to allow me to see the dress am i right ? Mrs grumpy old lady

Grand ma- *mumbles* how did you know

Yn- i know how to deal with grumpy oldy's

Grand ma-yahhh stop calling me grumpy iam not grumpy

Yn- yeah yeag grumpy old lady  *While looking for a key *

Grand ma also starts looking for the key and taehyung along with seo jun and joo kyung looking at them while taehyung have a smile on his face and joo kyung is shocked that how yn get along well with grandma

And about seo jun ? don't  ask he is busy in killing mosquitos

Seo jun- i will kill you todayyy *clapped but the mosquito run away*

See you guys in next part

Till then comment and like the story 💜💜💜💜

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