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After the whole moon vs the planets thing Crypto started to calm down a bit not being as mean as before and controlling his temper.



"So, sir..

"We don't really have anything to do, do we..."



"Can I hug you again..?"

"Yeah... sure apex..."
Crypto opens his arms wide for apex as he comes over and hugs him starting to sob again

"W-why d-do we have t-to fight all the t-time!?"
Apex says in between sobs

"Don't worry apex... things just happen..."
Crypto responds and stokes Apex's hair soon calming him down to soon let him go of his tight hug.

"OK... I-i'm fine now"
Apex wipes his eyes after sobbing for gods knows how long

"You sure..?"

"Y-yeah... I'm fine..."

(With iris and Neptune)

"That whole thing was weird wasn't it..."
Iris said making the situation even more awkward


"Should we do something..? It's making me bored just floating here..."


They eventually go off to draw or maybe.. just maybe make a new solar system or... as we will know it...



OUR SOLAR SYSTEM Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora