the many reasons why

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Iris felt pure anger he didn't understand and all this information at once. This was confusing for a planet whose best friend just got attacked by his cousin!?

None of the other planets and moons could understand it, but Iris was annoyed by everyone staring, so he got Neptune with his gravitational force and pulled him to his orbit.

"Oh god, Neptune, please be OK..."
Iris was panicking he never thought THIS would happen! Iris tried to help Neptune, but it didn't seem like it was helping, but he did the best he could.

Iris always hated the other planets. He'd never understood why the other planet's hated him back to. He was controlled he couldn't help it. he was made for it.

With all this drama already, Iris was just confused and didn't understand anything else going on. It was overwhelming him.

He just went back to the memories of him and Neptune having fun and the solar system they made together. He always liked Neptune for how he was.

Neptune always expressed himself, was always open about strange things, and just in general was funny. Iris knew that were the many reasons why he loved Neptune for just... being Neptune!

With all these thoughts going on, Neptune woke up he didn't remember what happened.

"Iris? W-what happened to m-me?"

Iris immediately turned around and hugged Neptune. He could tell he missed him.

"God, you're OK! I thought you died!!!"

He felt so glad he was safe, but from now one he didn't want Neptune to visit anyone else.

"Died? What happened!? Did something happen?"

"Well, yes... I can't lie to you... but... this is what I've been told or what I can remember..."

"GO on!"

"OK! OK! So... you got called over by urauns, your cousin-"

"Get to the point, iris!"

"I am! Then you had a fight with him, leading him to be angry and throw an asteroid at you, hitting you and knocking you out, for I'd say... 7-9 hours and a bit?"

"He what!? That long? Oh Jesus, nobody else was hurt, right!?"

"You're the only one injured."

"That's good..."

"Yeah... speak about you! Are you ok? Do you feel any pain? Do you feel dizzy?"

"No.. no.. I'm fine..."

"If you don't feel anything or feel sick, you should get to sleep or rest it'll save your energy and make you feel healthier!"

"But I feel fine-"


"Oh god iris..."

Neptune went to rest, leaving iris in his thoughts.

(Sorry this is short. I'm planning on updating every day! I just didn't want to leave you on a short cliffhanger! :D)

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